A tool for manage ini format configration file, it can add/update/delete/get config options in global area and particular section. it surport duplicated option key.
gcc initool.c -o initool
initool option filename [-s section] name [value]
Accepted option include:
-a add option
-d delete option
-u update option
-g get option
Section option:
-s section name, optional
Delimiter option:
-b default is "="
follow is an example code similar to systemd's service configuration.
# this is a comment line
; this is alse a comment line
; "#" in next line is not a comment, but part of Hello's value.
Hello=World # not a comment
; option values can't expand lines, the Noexpand's value is "Hello\"
Description=Example of initool
delete ExecStart option in Service section of above code, this will delete all ExecStart option in Service section.
initool -d config.ini -s Service ExecStart
add option to global area or particular section, without "-s" option, initool will add new option to the begin of config file, and become a global option.
initool -a config.ini Newopt newopt_value
update option in Service section.
initool -u config.ini -s Service Restart no
add two ExecStart options, this will output "/bin/ls /bin/pwd "
initool -g config.ini -s Service ExecStart
this tool is very simple, but there may be some bug, including allocated memery not free. Before using it, please read the source!