Lambda function to stream ec2 loadbalancer access logs and cloudwatch logs without hosting local impart inspector service.
Create logstream access token. Open => New API acces token => select scopes:
Add access token to the aws parameter store or secret manager
Create a Log Binding. Specify grok pattern for the expected log format.
The following fields are supported and required to be resolved:
- timestamp - request timestamp,
time formats are supported automatically. For custom time format provide layout in the grok:%{GREEDYDATA:timestamp:ts-"2006-01-02 15:04:05.000"}
- request - request url. Can include query string parameters if available
- response_code - response status code
- http_method - request http method
- timestamp - request timestamp,
Configure aws forwarder lambda function with the environment variables:
ACCESS_TOKEN_PARAMETER_NAME: "<parameter store name from the step(2)>"
LOGSTREAM_ID: "<from the logbinding setup step(3)>"
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET_NAME: "<secrets manager secret name from the step(2)>"
LOGSTREAM_ID: "<from the logbinding setup step(3)>"
For elb access logs:
%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{NOTSPACE:loadbalancer} %{IP:client_ip}:%{NUMBER:client_port} (?:%{IP:backend_ip}:%{NUMBER:backend_port}|-) %{NUMBER:request_processing_time} %{NUMBER:backend_processing_time} %{NUMBER:response_processing_time} (?:%{NUMBER:response_code}|-) (?:%{NUMBER:backend_status_code}|-) %{NUMBER:received_bytes} %{NUMBER:sent_bytes} "(?:%{WORD:http_method}|-) (?:%{GREEDYDATA:request}|-) (?:HTTP/%{NUMBER:http_version}|-( )?)" "%{DATA:user_agent}"( %{NOTSPACE:ssl_cipher} %{NOTSPACE:ssl_protocol})?
For api gateway cloudwatch access logs if the log format set to:
$context.requestTime "$context.httpMethod $context.path $context.protocol" $context.status $context.identity.sourceIp $context.requestId
%{HTTPDATE:timestamp} "(?:%{WORD:http_method}|-) (?:%{GREEDYDATA:request}|-) (?:HTTP/%{NUMBER:http_version}|-( )?)" (?:%{NUMBER:response_code}|-)