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A Java EE application that accesses an IMS database using JDBC and Open database


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Java JEE Database example

In this sample we will set up a workspace IDE for creating a Java JEE Rest application that will reside in Websphere Liberty and interfaces with an IMS DB.

The rest application will use the IMS Universal Drivers to connect to a IMS database. The Universal Drivers support both local, type-2, and distributed, type-4, connectivity to a database. In this example the application will use the type-4 driver to connect to the database over TCP/IP.

See Distributed and local connectivity with the IMS Universal drivers for more information.

The needed IMS Universal Drivers for IMS V14 are available through the IMS Java On Demand FMID JMK1406.

This example will use the Insurance database.


  1. Install WAS Liberty with Java EE 7 Full Platform
  2. Install and set up Java 8 JDK
  3. Install and set up Eclipse Oxygen
    1. Add Websphere Developer Tools to Eclipse
    2. Configure Liberty Server to Eclipse
  4. Clone and import the the Java JEE Database example into Eclipse
  5. Test the application


z/OS Prerequisites

Install Websphere Liberty Runtime and Java 8 JDK

Install and set up Eclipse Oxygen

Install Eclipse

  • Download and install Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
  • If using the installer you can follow these steps:
    • Select Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
    • Select Install folder
    • Accept License
    • Launch
    • Select a directory for the workspace. For example:
      • C:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\eclipse-workspace-websphere-jee
    • Close the Welcome tab to access the workspace
  • If downloading the archive file, extract to a location of your choice.
  • Double-click the eclipse.exe file to open Eclipse.
    • Select a directory as a workspace
    • Close the Welcome tab to access the workspace

Set the Eclipse Java JDK

  • From the Eclipse menu bar select Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs
  • Add
  • Standard VM and click Next
  • Set JRE Home
  • Browse to Java 8 JDK
  • Finish
  • Under the Name column select the JDK just enabled
  • Apply and close

Install Websphere Developer Tools (WDT) plugin

From the Eclipse menu bar select Windows -> Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environments

  • Select Add
  • Type 'ibm' to search for the runtime
  • Select WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile Tools
    • If there already exists a 'Liberty Server' then go to the Configure Liberty Profile server step.
  • Next
  • Check the checkbox to accept the license.
  • Finish
    • It will prompt you to restart Eclipse when the install is complete.
    • You can see the install progress in the status bar on the bottom right corner on Eclipse.
  • Restart
  • After the restart close the Welcome Overview tab.

Configure Liberty Profile server

From the Eclipse menu bar select Windows -> Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environments

  • Select Add
  • Select Liberty Runtime from the IBM folder.
  • Select Browse to point to the existing Liberty runtime installed earlier.
  • The dialog should look something like this screenshot after selecting the server runtime libertyruntime
  • Click Next
  • Finish
  • Apply and close

Clone repository and import into Eclipse

  • From the Eclipse menu bar select Windows -> Show view -> Other -> Git -> Git Repositories
  • From Git Repositories view select Clone a Git reository and paste the repository URI:
  • Click Next
  • Next
  • Finish

To import the Maven project into Eclipse, from the Git Repositories view

  • Right-click the ims-java-jee-db repository and select Import Projects and click Finish
  • After the project is imported it will take several minutes to load the application, and server.

Configure the application

Before running the application the server.xml needs to be updated to your IMS specific information.

Configure the server.xml for connecting to IMS DB

You will need to point to the z/OS host and IMS DB using the IMS Connect and DRDAPORT information.

The server.xml can be found in the project at src/main/liberty/config Open the file and click the Source tab in the Editor window.

Confiure resourceAdapter

Edit the resourceAdapter tag to point to the location of the rar on your local workstation.

<resourceAdapter id="imsudbJXA" location="C:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\Documents\DevOps\rars\v14\imsudbJXA.rar"/>

For more information regarding resource adapters see IMS Universal Database resource adapter

Configure the connectionFactory properties

  • datastoreServer - The host name or the IP address of the IMS Connect data store server.
    • This is only specified for type-4 interactions.
  • dataStoreName
    • This value is speified in the ODBM CSLDCxxx PROCLIB member.
    • It is the DATASTORE(NAME=name) or DATASTORE(NAME=name, ALIAS(NAME=aliasname)) parameter. If alias is specified in the member you must use the aliasname as the value of the dataStoreName property.
  • portNumber - port number specified as the DRDAPORT parameter on the ODACCESS statement in the IMS Connect configuration PROCLIB member.
    • Example ODACCESS statement from an IMS Connect config member:
  • databaseName - the name of the PSB that your application uses to access the target IMS database
  • driverType - specify as 4 which is used for distributed connectivity

Here is an example connectionFactory elcment:

<connectionFactory jndiName="INSURANCEDB" >
   <properties.imsudbJXA datastoreServer="" portNumber="6695" dataStoreName="DODO" databaseName="INSUR01" 
      driverType="4" />

The jndiName attribute of the connectionFactory element is specified in the CustomerInfoService which uses it for executing SQL statements.

public class CustomerInfoService {
	DataSource insuranceDB;

To look at the complete class source CustomerInfoService For more information

Test the application

To test the application start the application by right-clicking the ims-java-jee-db project and select Run as -> Run on Server.

  • Choose ims-java-jee-db
  • Next
  • Finish

Send a REST http GET message to this destination:

  • Manage the server from the Servers view in Eclipse by right-clicking the ims-java-jee-db server and selecting the action desired.


A Java EE application that accesses an IMS database using JDBC and Open database







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