- Python 3.6
- Pygame 1.9
python psyGame.py
Icon of the software
Main executable file
Module for text input through pygame
Difficulty variables. Can be changed during execution. Variable list:
- amplitude: Amplitude of the sin wave of the particle path
- length: Wave length of the sin wave
- slow: The inverse of the speed of the particle motion
- randDelay: Delay between random changes of particle positions from sin wave path
- randLevelX: Highest random range of value added to X coordinates of particles
- randLevelY: Highest random range of value added to Y coordinates of particles
- PartcleSize: Size of the particles in pixel
- subjectID: Subject ID
- block: Current block number
- trial: Current trial number
- randDelay: Delay between random changes of particle positions from sin wave path
- randLevelX: Highest random range of value added to X coordinates of particles
- randLevelY: Highest random range of value added to Y coordinates of particles
- PartcleSize: Size of the particles in pixel
- xPos: Position of the coursour in X axis.
- yPos: Position of the coursour in Y axis.
- Particle_(num)_X: X coordinate of particle number (num). If the particle is touched then the coordinate is 'nan'.
- Particle_(num)_Y: Y coordinate of particle number (num). If the particle is touched then the coordinate is 'nan'.
- subjectID: Subject ID
- block: block number of current trial
- trial: Trial number of current trial
- trialLen: Length of current trial
- DRTAStart: Start time of DRTA in current trial
- DRTAEnd: End time of DRTA in current trial
- RTTime: Response
- trialTime: Trial end time
- trialScore: Number of particle touched in current trial