Simple bash script for exporting attribute from a MISP instance to SentinelOne threat intelligence database.
The script will allow you to:
- fetch iocs from an external feed to misp (you have to insert your own code here)
- clear S1 TI database from old iocs (by default 14 days)
- export events' attribute in TXT format and import them in S1 TI database
Attribute are mapped as it follows (MISP - S1 TI)
- Value to Value
- Category to Category
- First Seen as Creation Time
- Event info as Malware Name
How to use
- install curl, jq and pv
- set up a cron schedule (here mine)
# m h dom mon dow command
*/15 * * * * run-one /home/misp/sentinelfeeder/ -f
*/30 * * * * run-one /home/misp/sentinelfeeder/ -p
0 0 * * * run-one /home/misp/sentinelfeeder/ -c
- point your ids/ips/nta/firewall to TXT iocs
- take a beer and watch them (not) being matched on your data lake
NB: This is not optimized for huge amount of data, use it for continuously push small amount of iocs.