Snapchat-Like Image Capture Library
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- Copy
to your project. - Create a new
self.captureView = [[IKCapture alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
- Start capture:
[self.captureView startRunning];
- Add
to your view:
[self.view addSubview:self.captureView];
After finishing this steps you will have a view showing the camera preview.
@property (nonatomic,readonly,getter=isFlashOn) BOOL flashON;
This property lets you know if the flash is on in the current AVCaptureDevice
@property (nonatomic,strong) UIView *overlay;
This property lets you add an overlay to the camera view.
This lets you know if a camera is available. If you are using the simulator or an old iphone this will return NO.
-(void)takeSnapshotWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIImage
To snap a picture just call this method. The image will be returned in the completion handler.
This methods allows you to swap cameras.
This methods allows you to turn on/off the camera flash if available.
This method starts the AVCaptureSession
This method stops the AVCaptureSession
Allows you to set a UIView as an overlay to the camera viewfinder.
This lets you know if the current camera owns a flash.