This project is a Kotlin/Multiplatform wrapper around the SpaceTraders API. It is a work-in-progress implementation and is by no means stable. Expect some churn in the near term, especially as the SpaceTraders API itself changes and stabilizes.
The goal for this project is to have an easy to use, functional programming-friendly API client which supports most MPP targets. The big goals are to support at least Kotlin/JVM, Kotlin/JS, and Kotlin/WASM. Contributors are most welcome to help implement other targets such as Android, iOS, Native, etc.
This library is currently not published in Maven Central, however, snapshot builds are periodically pushed to Sonatype. You can access it via the Sonatype snapshots repository:
// build.gradle.kts
repositories {
dependencies {
The first step to utilizing this library is to acquire a token from the API. This can be done via a static method on the
val response = SpaceTradersAPI.register("AGENT-NAME", RegisterRequest.Faction.COSMIC).getOrRethrow()
// response.token
// OR
SpaceTradersAPI.register("AGENT-NAME", RegisterRequest.Faction.COSMIC).onSuccess { /* it.token */ }
Once a token has been obtained, the API class can be instantiated with the token and API calls can be performed:
val api = SpaceTradersAPI(token)
// dock all available ships
.forEach { api.fleet.dockShip(it.symbol) }
Full KDocs are available here.