We've created this package to share components and logic between our different projects.
We use Storybook, it allows you to test and see how each component works without install the package in your project.
Our components are built with Chakra-ui. In our previous versions of react-commons, components were built with Reactstrap but we realized that we needed to add more custom styles so we decided to move to Chakra.
$ npm install @indec/react-commons
To start storybook you must run the following command:
$ npm start
Storybook will be open in your default browser at http://localhost:6006.
The project is split into the following directories. When writing code, use the following guidelines to determine where it should be placed. You can also take a look at the code yourself for in-depth examples.
Here you must add your React`s components.
Here you must add your custom hooks.
Constants to be shared for the whole application.
Custom theme for components.
Functions to be shared for the whole application.
These are the core dependencies you'll need to get acquainted yourself with:
- React
- Chakra (component library our UI is built upon)
- Formik (to make it easier to write forms with React)
- Yup (handles form validation)
- Storybook (component library)
- Jest (testing framework)
- React Testing Library (DOM interface for testing)
- EsLint (used to lint code)
To run the tests you must run the following command:
$ npm run test
When writing tests, make sure to use the following format to keep the tests clean and consistent:
import {getByText} from "@testing-library/react";
import Button from "./Button";
describe("<Button>", () => {
let props;
const getComponent = () => render(Button, props);
beforeEach(() => {
props = {
children: "Label"
it("should render `props.children`", () => {
const {container} = getComponent();
expect(getByText(container, props.children)).toBeInTheDocument();
describe("when `` is `true`", () => {
beforeEach(() => { = true;
it("should render a plus character", () => {
const {container} = getComponent();
expect(getByText(container, `+ ${props.children}`)).toBeInTheDocument();
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.