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PINUS React.js UI Library

npm version

React.js UI Components Library of PINUS

The npm library package can be found at

Usage Setup

To use the library, install the library using npm or yarn, though yarn is preferred for PINUS projects for consistency purposes

yarn add pinus-ui-library

After which, the necessary components can be imported using :

import { Button, ... } from "pinus-ui-library";

Development Setup

You should have the latest npm and node versions installed on your local machine before running. Install yarn running

npm install yarn

Install all dependencies using:

yarn install

NOTE: This library is in Alpha stage. To try out changes, execute the following:

yarn build
yarn link

Then in the (other) project that makes use of this library, do the following:

yarn link pinus-ui-library

Subsequently, only run yarn build for pinus-ui-library. That is, there is no need to do the linking process again

Available Scripts

To run the storybook:

yarn storybook

To bundle the library using rollup:

nvm use
yarn build

Note that the current rollup plugin only works with Node.js <= 16.x

To publish to Chromatic, which would be run automatically when there is a new push to branch main:

yarn chromatic

Learn More

To learn more about the stack and libraries used, take a look at the following resources:

  1. Rollup.js - Used to bundle the library before being published
  2. React.js - Used to create the components
  3. Storybook - Used to display the components in isolation and documentation
  4. Chromatic - Used to publish the storybook