This is an implementation of the board game "Robo Rally" as a computer game, for Windows, Mac and Linux.
- Clone
- Import to an IDE as existing maven project
- Run (src/main/java/sky7/main)
- Download
- Extract the zip file
- Run Sky7RoboRally-V0.2-alpha.jar
- Windows / Linux / OSX: Open cmd/terminal, navigate to the folder containing the jar, enter "java -jar Sky7RoboRally-V0.2-alpha.jar"
- LAN mode
- One of the players may choose to host after starting the game.
- Other players connect to the host's IP.
- The host chooses a board to play.
- When all players are connected, the host can begin the game.
- Click on the cards you want to insert into your robot's registry.
- If you change your mind, hit the reset button to return the cards to your hand.
- Once the registry is full, you may click "Go".
- To "Power Down" and repair your robot the next round, hit "Power Down" before you click "Go".
- Once all players have clicked "Go", all registries will be executed from left to rigth.
- Higher priority cards go first.
- Stop on a flag to pick it up. Flags must be picked up in order (e.g. 1,2,3) to win.
- Class diagram in [Documents/Class diagram](Documents/Class diagram).
- Network diagram in [Documents/Class diagram](Documents/Class diagram).
- DrawPriority explanation in Documents.
- Lasers are not rendering correctly.
- Located in test folder
- Run TestSuite as JUnit test - combines all tests in a Suite.
- ICell
- Test that the priority of each ICell is correct
- BoardTests
- Tests that the you can retrieve information correctly from Board.
- Tests that the movement of the robots on the board is correct follow the rules.
- DrawPriorityTest
- Tests that ICell classes behave and compare correctly in a TreeSet.
- FlagTest
- Basic check for flag values
- RoboTest
- Checks that RoboTile rotates correctly
- ProgramDeck
- Test that the values of ProgramDeck matches the number of different cards as shown in the rulebook
- Client
- Asserts that connected clients retain the correct playerNumber.
- Assert that the 5 cards chosen by clients are the same 5 returned to host as registry.
- Assert that clients always return 5 cards assigned to registry, and the remaining as discard (n=100) (none lost, duplicated or created).
- Play the game!
- Start the game as host, and click begin, to test it with just one player.
- Start the game as host, start the game again, but as client, connect to "" to test multiplayer functions.