This package provides a simple vue plugin to configure Sentry.
$ npm install --save-dev @infermedica/vue-sentry-plugin
The Sentry plugin has to be configured in Webpack configuration file through webpack.DefinePlugin
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
__sentry: JSON.stringify({
isEnabled: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
dsn: 'https://[email protected]/XXX',
environment: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'production' : 'local',
release: '<release-identifier>'
To use the module, just import the VueSentry
object and install the plugin in Vue.
import VueSentry from '@infermedica/vue-sentry-plugin';
The plugin will be avaliabe under VueSentry
and in components under this.$sentry
This plugin automatically sets two Sentry tags:
- "instance" to the value of
- "event_layer" to the value "frontend"
this.$sentry.setTag('tag_name', 'tag_value');
this.$sentry.setUser(, currentUser.username,;
This just sets a tag 'i18n.locale' to given value.
The global Sentry object is also avaliable through the plugin, so one can access the core sentry functionality.
We're happy to accept pull requests with additional integrations. Feel free to raise an issue if you have any questions or suggestions.
MIT Copyright (c) Infermedica