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Continuous deployment profile

This profile is configured to track Mojaloop docker image versions that fulfill semver conditions so that the deployments in multiple environments are always up to date.

How to use

To use this profile, you need to add it to the environment, so that it is applied last. To achieve this, you can prefix the profile folder name with z- when adding it in the submodules.yaml file:

  ref: main

How it works

To achieve the automatic deployment of the Mojaloop docker images, there is the following chain of events:

  1. A commit in some of the Mojaloop repositiories triggers the Circle CI pipeline which builds and pushes the docker images to the Docker Hub when the tests pass.
  2. Circle CI triggers the docker-image.yaml workflow in this repository.
  3. This workflow checks the Docker Hub for the latest Mojaloop docker images that fulfill the semver conditions specified in the manifest files in the updatecli.d directory.
  4. If there are new images that fulfill the conditions, the workflow creates a pull request with the latest versions set in the *-override.yaml files, which is automatically merged.
  5. The merge starts the gitlab.yaml workflow, which triggers a list of GitLab pipelines that apply the changes from this profile to the environments.


This chain of events relies on certain configurations:

  1. A fine grained personal access token with Write access to actions for this repository:

    trigger profile-cd token

    This token is set in an environment variable prefixed with DOWNSTREAM_IMAGE_ in the Mojaloop Circle CI org-global context. The token if prefixed with the organization/repository: where it needs to trigger the workflow. For example infinitx-org/profile-cd:github_pat_xxx:

    circle ci variable

  2. A fine grained personal access token with Write access to code and pull requests for this repository:

    alt text

    This token is set in the MERGE_TOKEN repository secret in this repository:

    alt text

  3. An action variable named PROJECTS with the list of projects that are going to be updated by this profile: alt text

  4. A list of pipeline trigger tokens for each of the GitLab projects configured in the secret property for items in the above PROJECTS variable. These tokens are set in the corresponding action secrets:

    alt text

    Tokens are created in each GitLab project's CI/CD settings: alt text

Specifying the conditions

The conditions for the images to be updated are specified in the manifest files in the updatecli.d directory. The files are named after the images they are tracking. The conditions are specified in the sources.image.spec.versionfilter property as a semver range:

      versionfilter: "..."

Commonly used conditions are:

  1. >=1.0.0-name.0 <=1.0.0-name.9999 for tracking a pre-release version with a specific name.
  2. ^1.0.0 for tracking minor and patch versions without upgrading to a new major version or to pre-release versions.