Enhance your JIRA issue details page
Creates nice copypasteable text in JIRA issue page, including copy-to-clipboard-button
This text can be used for instance in copyTextSlack
- Format: ISSUEID - Issuetitle
- Format: ISSUEID - Issuetitle (StoryPoints)
The ISSUEID is linked to the story - Example DBI-2334 - Create new form (8)
- Install 'User JavaScript and CSS' extension for Chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/user-javascript-and-css/nbhcbdghjpllgmfilhnhkllmkecfmpld?hl=en
- Open a random JIRA issue in your browser. The url probably contains "/jira/browse/" now.
- Click 'User JavaScript and CSS' icon in Chrome (Blue/red dotted lines-icon)
- Click 'Add new'
- fill in:
- Name: JIRA issue details
- URL: replace url by
- Options: enable JavaScript and JQuery 3
- Open https://raw.githubusercontent.com/infonl/jira-issue-details-enhancements/main/js%2Cjs in a browser tab and copypaste this whole script in the JS-pane. Keep CSS pane empty
- Save
- Go to JIRA issue and refresh. The copypasteable link should appear now directly under the issue action buttons [Edit | Comment etc].