This repository contains the software for my protogen fursuit head, which has it's base on the amazing Delta Protogen head made by Coela Can't(@coelacant1). This software is intended for use with the following electronics:
- 64x32 P3 HUB75 Matrix LED Panels x2
- Teensy 4.1 (initially without headers)
- SmartLED Shield for Teensy 4.1
- microSD card (FAT32)
- Raspberry Pi (Zero 2 W is preferred) with a camera attatched (runs a separate program, read below)
- HC-05 or HC-06 Bluetooth serial module
- 5V power supply or USB PD decoy trigger+XL4106 step down module (max to around 24W when very bright)
Feel free to use this software & contact me if you have any problems. Enjoy!
Pictures coming soon. (TODO)
- Solder the pin headers that came with the SmartLED Shield to the Teensy.
- Insert the Teensy into the SmartLED Shield.
- Insert the shield into a LED panel.
- Daisy-chain two LED panels together.
- Solder 4 wires or pin headers to the Pi's GPIO 2 or 4 (5V), 6/9/14/20/25/30/34/39 (GND), 8 (UART RX), 10 (UART TX).
- Connect the Pi's RX and TX to Teensy's TX1 and RX1. RX goes to TX and vice versa.
- Connect the Bluetooth serial module's 5V and GND with the power supply or the Teensy.
- Connect the Bluetooth serial module's RXD and TXD to the Teensy's TX5 and RX5. Again, RX to TX and TX to RX.
- Solder power lines.
- Done! Move onto software setup.
Unfinished (TODO)
- Clone this repository and open it in VSCode or Codium.
- Install the PlatformIO extension.
- Build and upload this repository to the Teensy.