It is a custom JavaScript class similar of Array class. Intention to create it is practice on JavaScript array. It has total 18 methods description of every method is under followed. Few of methods will be added soon.
- length() - Get length of specified erray object.
- push() - Appends new elements to an erray object, and returns the new length of the erray object.
- remove() - Remove a elements to an erray object, and returns the erray object.
- indexOf() - Returns the position of the first occurrence of an element.
- indexAt() - Returns the value of the first occurrence of an element.
- join() - Adds all the elements of an erray object separated by the specified separator string.
- concat() - Combines two or more erray objects.
- forEach() - Calls dynamic function.
- pop() - Removes the last element from an erray object and returns it.
- fill() - Returns the erray object after filling the section identified by start and end with value.
- includes() - Checking in given erray object an element is exists.
- keys() - Returns the erray object of keys of an erray object.
- valueOf() - Returns the values of the specified erray object.
- toString() - Returns a string representation of an erray object.
- reverse() - Reverses the elements in an erray object.
- slice() - Returns an erray object with given start and end position.
- shift() - Removes the first element from an erray object and returns it.
- unshift() - Inserts new elements at the start of an erray object.
- You need to import main.js in your frontend page.
- Create an object of Erray class by writing 'var erray = new Erray(); or you can send value while object initialization'.
- After creating an object of Erray class you can call all above methods as per your requirements.
- For more detailed documentation about methods please look into erray.js.