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Steve Harris (drstevok-test1) edited this page Jan 2, 2016 · 1 revision

Pacemakers and ICDs Anaesthesia 2006

MHRA UK guidelines on PPM and diathermy published

  • Titanium casing* (modern) reduces external EMF interference so mobile phones etc now safe
  • Dual chamber PPMs better in heart failure
  • 4th letter of code = R = rate modulation (ie DDDR, VVVIR * v common), normally via mov't sensor but also transthoracic impedance and incr resp rate sensor


  • Titanium case and built in interference monitor reduces EMF
  • Bipolar >> safer than unipolar; reprogramming probably not required if surgery not prolonged and away from PPM
  • Unipolar then plate away from PPM (if head and neck surgery then posterior surface of opposite shoulder)
  • Cardiac Monitors that use transthoracic impedance to measure RR combined with PPM that do the same thing tend to inappropriately 2x incr heart rate
  • External defibrillation: high risk of damage to PPM, and leads may burn myocardium: place pads (?AP) and ?10cm away from PPM
  • Magnets: variable response among PPMs but 99% of ICDs revert to bradycardia pacing only

MHRA guidance:

  • Patients should always carry a PPM passport

  • No need for PPM check if one done within 3 months

  • Work out if the patient is PPM dependent (ie Hx of prev sy mptomatic bradycardia or AV node ablation)

  • Preop Ix: 12 lead ECG, rhythm strip, Potassium, CXR not routine

  • Bipolar only or minimal distant EMF then malfunction risk* minimal - do not reprogram; surgery should be OK but monitor and stop diathermy if problem

  • Unipolar / high EMF - PPM technician should reprogram (to monitor only) in theatre and remain present through-out;

  • Switch off thoracic impedance monitor

  • Emergency PPM system (internal, external should be available)

  • In an emergency attempt to stick to above as best as possible


Chamber(s) paced Chamber(s) sensed Response to sensing Rate modulation Multisite pacing
O = None O = None O = None O = None O = None
A = Atrium A = Atrium T = Triggered R = Rate modulation A = Atrium
V = Ventricle V = Ventricle I = Inhibited V = Ventricle
D = Dual (A+V) D = Dual (A+V) D = Dual (T+I) D = Dual (A+V)