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Merge branch 'main' into cason/462-blocksync
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cason committed Nov 11, 2024


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2 parents 2f77535 + d886aa4 commit 28c45d7
Showing 1 changed file with 545 additions and 0 deletions.
545 changes: 545 additions & 0 deletions specs/quint/specs/sync.qnt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
// -*- mode: Bluespec; -*-

module sync {

import statemachineAsync(
validators = Set("v1", "v2", "v3", "v4"),
validatorSet = Set("v1", "v2", "v3", "v4").mapBy(x => 1),
Faulty = Set("v1"),
Values = Set("red", "blue"),
Rounds = Set(0, 1, 2, 3),
Heights = Set(0) // , 1, 2, 3)
).* from "./statemachineAsync"

type Option[a] =
| Some(a)
| None

type SyncStatusMsg = {
peer: Address,
base: Height,
top: Height

type SyncStatus = {
base: Height,
top: Height

type ReqType =
| SyncCertificate
| SyncBlock

type RequestMsg = {
client: Address,
server: Address,
rtype: ReqType,
height: Height

pure def emptyReqMsg = {
client: "",
server: "",
rtype: SyncCertificate,
height: -1

type Response =
| RespBlock(Proposal)
| RespCertificate(Set[Vote])

type ResponseMsg = {
client: Address,
server: Address,
height: Height,
response: Response,

pure def emptyResponseMsg = {
client: "",
server: "",
height: -1,
response: RespBlock(emptyProposal),

type SynchronizerOutput =
| SOCertificate(Set[Vote])
| SOBlock(Proposal)
| SONoOutput

// ****************************************************************************
// Synchronizer (client side)
// ****************************************************************************

/// The state of the synchronizer
type Synchronizer = {
id: Address,
height: Height,
peers: Set[Address], // MVP: this is going to be the validator set for now
// so we use addresses. We might use peerID in the future
peerStatus: Address -> SyncStatus,
openRequests: Set[RequestMsg],
lastSyncedHeight: Height, // "done" if greater than or equal to height
// TODO: we could add buffers for certificates and values
// inbuffers
statusMsgs: Set[SyncStatusMsg],
responses: Set[ResponseMsg],

// Synchronizer functions

/// Initialize the synchronizer
pure def initSynchronizer(id: Address, peers: Set[Address]) : Synchronizer =
{ id: id,
height: -1,
peers: peers,
peerStatus: peers.mapBy(x => {base:-1, top:-1}),
openRequests: Set(),
lastSyncedHeight: -1,
statusMsgs: Set(),
responses: Set(),

/// Auxiliary function to iterate over the received status messages
pure def updatePeerStatus (ps: Address -> SyncStatus, msgs: Set[SyncStatusMsg]) : Address -> SyncStatus =
msgs.fold(ps, (newStatus , msg) =>
if (newStatus.get(msg.peer).top < // TODO: think about base?
newStatus.put(msg.peer, {base: msg.base, top:})

/// inform the synchronizer that consensus has entered height h
pure def syncNewHeight (s: Synchronizer, h: Height) : Synchronizer =
if (h <= s.height)
s.with("height", h)

/// returned by the synchronizer: sync is the new state, so is the output towards
/// the consensus driver, req are messages sent towards peers/servers
type ClientResult = {
sync: Synchronizer,
so: SynchronizerOutput,
req: Option[RequestMsg]

/// We have received a certificate. now we need to issue the corresponding block request
/// and generate a certificate output
pure def syncHandleCertificate (s: Synchronizer, cert: Set[Vote], peer: str ) : ClientResult =
val blockReq = { client:,
server: peer,
rtype: SyncBlock,
height: s.height}
{ sync: {...s, openRequests: Set(blockReq)}, // If we have parallelization we need to be more precise here
so: SOCertificate(cert),
req: Some(blockReq)}

/// we have received a block. now we need to generate a block output
pure def syncHandleBlock (s: Synchronizer, p: Proposal) : ClientResult =
{ sync: {...s, openRequests: Set(), // If we have parallelization we need to remove one element,
lastSyncedHeight: s.height }, // blockheight,
so: SOBlock(p),
req: None}

/// step of a client:
/// 1. update peer statuses, 2. if there is no open request, request something
/// 3. otherwise check whether we have a response and act accordingly
pure def syncClient (s: Synchronizer) : ClientResult =
val newPeerStates = updatePeerStatus(s.peerStatus, s.statusMsgs)
val newS = { ...s, peerStatus: newPeerStates}
if (s.lastSyncedHeight >= s.height)
// nothing to do
{ sync: newS,
so: SONoOutput,
req: None}
val goodPeers = s.peers.filter(p => newPeerStates.get(p).base <= s.height
and s.height <= newPeerStates.get(p).top )
if (goodPeers.size() > 0)
if (s.openRequests.size() == 0)
// we start the sync "round" by asking for a certificate
val req = { client:,
server: goodPeers.fold("", (acc, i) => i), //chooseSome(),
rtype: SyncCertificate,
height: s.height}
{ sync: {... newS, openRequests: s.openRequests.union(Set(req))},
so: SONoOutput,
req: Some(req)
// we issued a request before, let's see whether there is a response
if (s.responses.size()> 0)
val resp = s.responses.fold(emptyResponseMsg, (acc, i) => i) //chooseSome() // in the future there might be parallelization

match resp.response {
| RespBlock(prop) => syncHandleBlock(newS, prop)
| RespCertificate(cert) => syncHandleCertificate(newS, cert, goodPeers.fold("", (s,x) => x))
// I don't have response
// this might be timeout logic
{ sync: newS,
so: SONoOutput,
req: None}
// no peers
{ sync: newS,
so: SONoOutput,
req: None}

// ****************************************************************************
// Server
// ****************************************************************************

/// The server state are just incoming requests. The actual data used to respond
/// is from the NodeState
type Server = {
inbuffer : Set[RequestMsg]

// Server functions

pure def initServer = {inbuffer : Set()}

/// look into the node state and generate a status message
pure def syncStatus (s: NodeState) : SyncStatusMsg =
// TODO: perhaps we should add to height to the chain entries to capture non-zero bases
{ peer: , base: 0, top: - 1 }

/// new server state and response messages to be sent
type ServerOutput = {
sync: Server,
msg: Option[ResponseMsg],

pure def syncServer (s: Server, ns: NodeState) : ServerOutput =
if (s.inbuffer.size() > 0)
val m = s.inbuffer.fold(emptyReqMsg, (acc, i) => i) // chooseSome() // TODO: fix
val result =
if (m.height <
match m.rtype {
| SyncCertificate =>
val cm = { client: m.client,
server: m.server,
height: m.height,
response: RespCertificate([m.height].commit)}
| SyncBlock =>
val bl = { client: m.client,
server: m.server,
height: m.height,
response: RespBlock([m.height].decision)}
else None
{ sync: { ...s, inbuffer: s.inbuffer.exclude(Set(m))},
msg: result}
else {
sync: s,
msg: None}

// ****************************************************************************
// State machine
// ****************************************************************************

// The statemachine is put on top of statemachineAsync, that is, we use its
// initialization and steps, and add the updates to the variables defined below

// Variables

var syncSystem: Address -> Synchronizer
var serverSystem: Address -> Server

var statusBuffer : Address -> Set[SyncStatusMsg]
var syncResponseBuffer : Address -> Set[ResponseMsg]
var syncRequestBuffer : Address -> Set[RequestMsg]

// Auxiliary functions for sending messages

pure def broadcastStatus(buffer: Address -> Set[SyncStatusMsg], sm: SyncStatusMsg): Address -> Set[SyncStatusMsg] =
buffer.keys().mapBy(x => { ...buffer.get(x).union(Set(sm)) })

/// put the response message in the buffer of the client
pure def sendResponse(buffer: Address -> Set[ResponseMsg], m: ResponseMsg): Address -> Set[ResponseMsg] =
buffer.put(m.client, { ...buffer.get(m.client).union(Set(m)) })

// Actions

/// initializing the variables of the sync part of the state machine
action syncInit = all {
syncSystem' = Correct.mapBy(v => initSynchronizer(v, validators)),
serverSystem' = Correct.mapBy(v => initServer),
statusBuffer' = Correct.mapBy(v => Set()),
syncResponseBuffer' = Correct.mapBy (v => Set()),
syncRequestBuffer' = Correct.mapBy(v => Set()),

action syncUnchangedAll = all {
serverSystem' = serverSystem,
syncRequestBuffer' = syncRequestBuffer,
statusBuffer' = statusBuffer,
syncResponseBuffer' = syncResponseBuffer,
syncSystem' = syncSystem,

/// initialize consensus and synchronizer
action initAll = all {

// Actions for the Environment to send a node to a new height

/// environment sends the node to the next height.
/// initializes synchronizer
action newHeightActionSync(v, valset, h) = all {
syncSystem' = syncSystem.put(v, syncNewHeight(syncSystem.get(v), h)),
statusBuffer' = statusBuffer,
syncResponseBuffer' = syncResponseBuffer,
serverSystem' = serverSystem,
syncRequestBuffer' = syncRequestBuffer,

/// environment sends the node to the next height.
action newHeightActionAll(v, valset, h) = all {
newHeightActionSync(v, valset, h),
newHeightAction(v, valset, h),

// Actions for process steps in the sync protocol

/// Server v announces its status
action syncStatusStep(v) = all {
val newStatus = system.get(v).syncStatus()
statusBuffer' = broadcastStatus(statusBuffer, newStatus),
syncResponseBuffer' = syncResponseBuffer,
syncSystem' = syncSystem,
serverSystem' = serverSystem,
syncRequestBuffer' = syncRequestBuffer,

/// Server v takes a step (checking for requests and responding)
action syncStepServer(v) = all {
val result = syncServer(serverSystem.get(v), system.get(v)) // this is where the chains is passed
all {
serverSystem' = serverSystem.put(v, result.sync),
syncResponseBuffer' = match result.msg {
| Some(m) => syncResponseBuffer.sendResponse(m) // TODO: fix after broadcast
| None => syncResponseBuffer
syncSystem' = syncSystem,
syncRequestBuffer' = syncRequestBuffer,
statusBuffer' = statusBuffer,

/// Client v takes a step
action syncStepClient(v) = all {
val result = syncClient(syncSystem.get(v))
all {
syncSystem' = syncSystem.put(v, result.sync),
syncRequestBuffer' = match result.req {
| Some(m) => syncRequestBuffer.put(m.server, syncRequestBuffer.get(m.server).union(Set(m)))
| None => syncRequestBuffer
putSyncOutputIntoNode(v,, // the logic's code should be here, but due to Quint issues
// we need to keep it in stateMachineAsync for now
statusBuffer' = statusBuffer,
syncResponseBuffer' = syncResponseBuffer,
serverSystem' = serverSystem,

// Actions for the environment to deliver messages in the sync protocol

/// deliver a request to server v
/// remove the request from the syncRequestBuffer and add it to the server's inbuffer.
action syncDeliverReq(v) = all {
syncRequestBuffer.get(v).size() > 0,
nondet req = syncRequestBuffer.get(v).oneOf()
all {
syncRequestBuffer' = syncRequestBuffer.put(v, syncRequestBuffer.get(v).exclude(Set(req))),
serverSystem' = serverSystem.put(v, {... serverSystem.get(v),
inbuffer: serverSystem.get(v).inbuffer.union(Set(req))}),
statusBuffer' = statusBuffer,
syncResponseBuffer' = syncResponseBuffer,
syncSystem' = syncSystem,

/// deliver a response to client v
/// remove the response from the syncResponseBuffer and add it to the client's responses buffer.
action syncDeliverResp(v) = all {
syncResponseBuffer.get(v).size() > 0,
nondet resp = syncResponseBuffer.get(v).oneOf()
all {
syncSystem' = syncSystem.put(v, {... syncSystem.get(v),
responses: syncSystem.get(v).responses.union(Set(resp))}),
syncRequestBuffer' = syncRequestBuffer,
serverSystem' = serverSystem,
statusBuffer' = statusBuffer,
syncResponseBuffer' = syncResponseBuffer.put(v, syncResponseBuffer.get(v).exclude(Set(resp))),

/// deliver a status message to client v
action syncDeliverStatus(v) = all {
statusBuffer.get(v).size() > 0,
nondet status = statusBuffer.get(v).oneOf()
all {
syncSystem' = syncSystem.put(v, {... syncSystem.get(v),
statusMsgs: syncSystem.get(v).statusMsgs.union(Set(status))}),
syncRequestBuffer' = syncRequestBuffer,
serverSystem' = serverSystem,
statusBuffer' = statusBuffer.put(v, statusBuffer.get(v).exclude(Set(status))),
syncResponseBuffer' = syncResponseBuffer,

/// validator step in the system with sync protocol
action syncValStep(v) = all {

/// main step function: either a consensus state-machine step or a sync protocol step
action stepWithBlockSync = any {
all {
nondet v = oneOf(Correct)
any {
syncStepServer(v), //looking for a request and sends responses
syncStepClient(v), // is checking if there are responses and check whether it need to requ
//syncTimeout(v) // TODO:

// Interesting scenarios

/// auxiliary function for initHeight
/// sets the chain
pure def setChain(s: DriverState, c: List[{decision: Proposal, commit: Set[Vote]}]): DriverState =
{... s, chain: c}

/// auxiliary function for initHeight
/// constructs a commit certificate for a height and value
pure def commitSet (h: Height, v: Value) : Set[Vote] =
Set("v1", "v2", "v3").map(n => mkVote(Precommit, n, h, 0, v))

/// An action to set up an initial state with some nodes already decided up to height h
/// this sets up an initial state where v4 starts late, and v2 and v3 have reached
/// height h
action initHeight(h) = all {
val special = "v4" // TODO proper selection from correct set
val initsystem = Correct.mapBy(v =>
// hack
if (v == special) initNode(v, validatorSet, 0)
else initNode(v, validatorSet, h))
nondet decisionValMap =
val propMap = decisionValMap.keys().mapBy(i =>
mkProposal( proposer(validatorSet, i,0),
val list = range(0, h).foldl(List(), (acc, i) => acc.append(propMap.get(i)))
val chain = list.foldl(List(), (acc, i) => acc.append({decision: i, commit: commitSet(i.height, Val(i.proposal))}))
all {
system' = initsystem.keys().mapBy(x =>
// hack
if (x == special) initsystem.get(x)
else {... initsystem.get(x), es: setChain(initsystem.get(x).es, chain) }),
propBuffer' = Correct.mapBy(v => Set()),
voteBuffer' = Correct.mapBy(v => Set()),
certBuffer' = Correct.mapBy(v => Set()),
_hist' = { validator: "INIT", input: NoDInput, output: NoConsensusOutput },

/// a simple scenario where v4 starts height h
run syncCycle(h) =
newHeightActionAll("v4", validatorSet, h)
.then(syncStepClient("v4")) // ask for certificate
.then(syncStepClient("v4")) // ask for block and give certificate to node
.expect(system.get("v4").incomingSyncCertificates.size() > 0)
.expect(system.get("v4").incomingSyncProposals.size() > 0)
.then(3.reps(_ => syncValStep("v4")))
.expect(system.get("v4").es.chain.length() > h)

run retreat =
nondet heightToReach =
initHeight( q::debug ("Height:", heightToReach))
.then(heightToReach.reps(i => syncCycle(i)))
.expect(system.get("v4").es.chain == system.get("v2").es.chain)
.then(newHeightActionAll("v4", validatorSet, heightToReach))
.expect(system.get("v4").es.cs.height == system.get("v2").es.cs.height)
// and now v4 has synced !


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