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Cleaning Services Site

Professional Cleaning Services Co.
Entrepreneurial Web Application
Materialize UI/UX - ExpressJS App

NodeJS Express Render
Materialice CSS JavaScript

About this Build:

This application was built with simplicity in mind, along with compelling visual synergy that compliments the user interface
Customized Features:
  • Lightweight build using ExpressJS and styled with Materialize CSS
  • Aesthetically designed layout including call-to-action pagination
  • Static floating Contact menu button - creates readily accessible connection to interaction with company
  • Form submission using Nodemailer - sends user submitted content directly to connected email address

Build Tools:

This project uses the following packages:

Getting Started:

Before proceeding with the following steps it is assumed that both Node.js and Git have been downloaded locally on your system.
If not, they can be obtained by clicking on the links provided. Further assistance can be found in the documentation if necessary.
1. Clone this repository $ git clone

2. In the terminal/command prompt run the npm install or yarn install command to install the projects dependencies

3. Run the node index.js command in the terminal to start the server and run the application

Deployment to Render:

About: The following explains how this app was deployed to Render Cloud Hosting, assuming that you have already set up an account. Another preferred option for hosting services would be Railway

* Assure that your project has successfully been committed to Github. Any future changes made and pushed up will be directly reflected on Render.

* From the Dashboard click on New to connect your Github repo and create your hosted application from the given options (either Static Site or Web Service).

* Name your projet then scroll down and make sure that the yarn build and yarn start point to the correct files. See the Scripts section of package.json file for clarification.

* If you have any global or secret keys you can create them by expanding the Advanced tab and manually entering the proper values in the form boxes provided.

Reporting Bugs or Issues:

If you would like to report a Bug or Issue in this repo feel free to do so under the Issues tab or contact me directly about any major concerns. Ideas for improvements or enhancements to this project are also encouraged. Please address these matters by sending a Pull Request as they will be reviewed for potential consideration.


* Clone this repository and create a new branch:

$ git clone -b name_of_new_branch

* Introduce a new feature, fix an existing bug, or clean up current code

* Throroughly Test the changes that have been implemented [Testing suite is not included]

- Some suggestions for testing: Cypress, Jasmine, Mocha

* Submit a Pull Request accurately explaining the changes that were made to this repository

Your contribution will be reviewed and considered for merge into Main or a separate branch.
Thank you for assisting in the development and/or advancement of this project.