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Puzzle Tokens

Puzzle Tokens is a Sketch plugin to specify and apply design tokens (in LESS or SCSS format) to Sketch layers (with shared styles) with auto styles preview generation.

Check this article to get a detailed overview with examples and join Discussions for live talk


  1. Download zip file
  2. Unarchive and install
  3. Download and install Node.js
  4. Instal less or sass using the following Terminal commands:
sudo -s
npm i less -g
npm i sass -g
  1. Now you're good to go!


  1. Download Example 1.
  2. Open Library.sketch file in
  3. Run Plugins > Puzzle Tokens > Apply Design Tokens menu command
  4. Specify LESS file according to screenshot

  1. Repeat the same operation, but select "tokens-blue.less" file. See how styles and widgets look now.


The following CSS styles are supporting.

// Text Layers

.TextStyle {
    // Sketch only styles
    pt-paragraph-spacing:  23.33;
    pt-text:               "New text content";
    -pt-text-size-behaviour: fixed-size;    // or "auto-height" or  "auto-width"           

    // CSS native styles
    font-size:             12px;   
    font-family:           "Open Sans";     // or "Open Sans","Times New Roman"
    font-weight:           bold;            // or extra-light, light, regular, medium, semibold, bold OR fa-solid (special trick to define FontAwesome solid icon)
    font-style:            italic;          // or normal
    line-height:           1.0;             // or 1.2 or 1.5 or any other mulitplier for font-size OR 10px
    color:                 #FFFFFF;         // HEX value OR any other CSS-compatible color values, such as red or black OR color variable name in double quotes
    opacity:               63%;             // supported "63%" or "0.42"
    text-transform:        uppercase;       // "uppercase", "lowercase", "none"
    text-decoration:       underline;       // "underline", "line-through"
    text-align:            left;            // "left", center", "right", "justify"
    vertical-align:        top;             // "top", "middle", "bottom"
    letter-spacing:        10px;            // <value>px OR "normal"

// Shape layers

.ShapeStyle {
    // SKETCH only properties
    border-position:       center;    // center OR inside OR outside
    border-line-end:            butt;      // butt / round / projecting
    border-line-join:           miter;     // miter / round / bevel
    border-start-arrowhead:     openarrow; // none / openarrow / filledarrow / opencircle / filledcircle / opensquare / filledsquare
    border-end-arrowhead:       openarrow; // none / openarrow / filledarrow / opencircle / filledcircle / opensquare / filledsquare            
    -pt-border-update:          true;  // Use it if you want to replace an existing border, instead of adding a new one.
    -pt-fill-update:            true;  // Use it if you want to replace an existing fill, instead of adding a new one.

    /// CSS native properties
    background-color:      #B0AFB1;
    background-color:      linear-gradient(45deg, #000000,#B0AFB4);
    background-color:      linear-gradient(134deg, #004B3A 0%, #2D8B61 51%, #9BD77E 100%);
    background-color:      "mycolors/color01"; // assign color variable
    opacity:               63%;       // "63%" or "0.42"
    border-color:          #000000;
    border-color:          linear-gradient(45deg, #000000,#B0AFB4);
    border-color:          linear-gradient(134deg, #004B3A 0%, #2D8B61 51%, #9BD77E 100%);
    border-color:          "mycolors/color01"; // assign color variable
    border-width:          2px;
    border-style:          dotted;    // dotted OR dashed

    box-shadow:            none; // Clear any existing shadows from the layer style.
    box-shadow:            0 10px 20px 2 #FF00FF;
    box-shadow:            inset 0 10px 20px 2 rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
    box-shadow:            0 10px 20px 2 rgba(0,0,0,0.1), inset 0 10px 20px 2 rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
    -pt-shadow-update:          true;  // Use it if you want to replace any previous shadows, instead of adding a new one.

    mix-blend-mode:         normal; // normal / darken / multiply / color-burn / lighten / screen / color-dodge / overlay / difference 
                                    // exclusion / hue / saturation / color / luminosity
    // !!ATTENTION!!
    // Shared styles don't include radius property,
    // still you can set the radius-border for a style.
    // Border radius will be reapplied to layers
    // through style assigned to it. You can also
    // apply it to the layers or symbols directly.

    border-radius:         5px;
    border-radius:         5px 5px 0 0;

// Text & Shape Layer Common Properties
    // Sketch only styles
    -pt-layer-type:          text; // "layer" or "text" // Usefull to help PT to understnand the type of the layer
    -pt-pin-left:            true; // "true" or "false
    -pt-pin-right:           true; // "true" or "false          
    -pt-pin-top:             true; // "true" or "false
    -pt-pin-bottom:          true; // "true" or "false
    -pt-fix-size-height:     true; // "true" or "false
    -pt-fix-size-width:      true; // "true" or "false
    -pt-skip-missed:         true: // "true" or "false // Usefull to skip style if no layer
                                                       // found without an error
    -pt-resize-symbol:      true:  //  resize layer owner (symbol master) to a layer size

    // The following properties are not a part of shared styles.
    // Bu you can set these properties for a shared style.
    // These properties will be reapplied to layers
    // through style assigned to it. You can also
    // apply it to the layers or symbols directly.

    width:                  100px;
    height:                 100px;

    margin-top:             10px;
    margin-left:            20px;
    margin-right:           20px;
    margin-bottom:          10px;
    // By default, margin is set relative to the layer's containing artboard or page.
    // (Specifically, the layer is moved so that it is positioned inside the artboard/
    // page at the specified margin. In the example above, the top-left corner of the
    // layer is set to x:10 and y:20 of the containing artboard.)
    // If you prefer to set the margin  relative to another layer (for example, to set 
    // the text layer of a button within the boundaries of the button's background
    // layer style), use the "-pt-margin-relative-to" property shown below.
    -pt-margin-relative-to: "layer name"; // set margin values relative to the specified
                                          // layer. The specified layer must be a sibling
                                          // (at the same level in a group, artboard, or
                                          // symbol) of the layer to which you are
                                          // applying the margin styles. If not specified,
                                          // margin will be set relative to the artboard
                                          // or page
    -pt-margin-resize:      true;         // if true, resize the "margin-relative-to"
                                          // layer to "fit" the size of the current layer,
                                          // plus the specified margin. This will make
                                          // the "margin-relative-to" layer surround
                                          // the current layer at exactly the requested
                                          // margin.

    -pt-valign:                     middle; // middle / top / bottom : align vertically inside a parent

// Group & SymbolMaster Properties
    -pt-smartlayout:         LeftToRight; // LeftToRight OR HorizontallyCenter OR RightToLeft OR TopToBottom 
                                          // OR VerticallyCenter OR BottomToTop OR None

// Group, SymbolMaster and Artboard Properties
    -pt-fit-content:        true;        // Resize to fit content

// SymbolMaster properties
    -pt-resize-instances:   true;        // Resize all instances of a symbol; the same as
                                         // clicking Sketch's "Shrink instance to fit
                                         // content" button in the Overrides section of
                                         // the instance. (This reapplies SmartLayout,
                                         // useful when you change the size of a symbol.)

// Symbol Instance Properties
#Card .IconButton {                      // Path to a symbol-instance layer

    // You can change the symbol source for a symbol override (for example, to switch
    // the icon displayed in a symbol instance). Usage is:
    // -pt-override-symbol: ('AffectedLayerName', '#Path #To #New #Symbol');
    // In the example shown here, the Card symbol has a symbol instance in a layer named
    // IconButton. If that IconButton instance has a symbol override in layer RightIcon,
    // you can set the icon to a new icon by sharing its Puzzle Tokens path like so:
    -pt-override-symbol:    ('RightIcon ', '#Icons #Arrows #RightArrow');
    // Set the path to 'none' to disable the symbol override and show nothing at all.

    // Required Properties
    image:                 ~"images/new-logo.jpg";  // OR transparent
    // Optional Properties
    border-color:          white;
    border-width:          3px;
    box-shadow:            0 10px 20px 2 #FF00FF;
    width:                 100px;  // OR 50 %
    height:                100px;  // OR 50 %
    top:                   11px;
    bottom:                22px;
    left:                  2px;
    right:                 33px;

You can look into more examples to get familiar with the plugin.

Supported Targets

You can update the following Sketch objects.

// Update shared style
.MyStyles .Group .Style1{
    color: #FFFFFF;

// Update symbol child style properties
#MySymbols #Buttons #Submit{
        color: #FFFFFF;

// Update artboard child style properties
#MyArtboard #Group1{
        color: #FFFFFF;

// Assign shared style to artboard/symbol child
#MySymbols #Buttons #Submit{
        sktext-style: "MyStyle/Group/Style1";
        sklayer-style: "MyStyle/Group/Back";

// Update color variables  !!!!!!!! DONT USE GRADIENTS FOR COLOR VARIABLES. SKETCH WILL CRASH !!!!! 
        color:                                      black;
        color:                                      grey;

Special Tricks for Selector Names

  • To start a style or symbol name from a number just add --PT- prefix. So, "--PT-1 Style" will be transformed to "1 Style".
  • To start a style or symbol name from a dot just use -DOT- special keyword. So, "-DOT-Style" will be transformed to ".Style"
  • To use a space inside a style or symbol name you can uses a space (but formally it will not be a CSS compartible notation) or replace space by __ .So "My__First__Style" wil be transformed to "My First Style

Required Style Properties

To apply text style you need to defined at least one of the following properites:

  • color
  • font-family
  • font-size
  • font-weight
  • text-transform
  • text-align
  • vertical-align
  • pt-paragraph-spacing

For layer style:

  • background-color
  • border-color
  • box-shadow
  • border-radius
  • opacity

To create _image:

  • image

To assign shared style to layer:

  • sklayer-style
  • sktext-style

Sketch versions supported

Some styles, such as text font/transformation/etc require Sketch 53 or later. You're safe using the latest stable Sketch version to get the plugin working.


Command line API

# The following line is optional
echo $context
/Applications/ --without-activating=YES --new-instance=No run ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/Plugins/PuzzleTokens.sketchplugin "cmdRun" --context=$context

Compact variant:

/Applications/ --without-activating=YES --new-instance=No run ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/Plugins/PuzzleTokens.sketchplugin "cmdRun" --context="{\"file\":\"${HOME}/GitHub/puzzle-tokens/Styles/material-palettes/palettes.sketch\",\"styles\":\"${HOME}/GitHub/puzzle-tokens/Styles/material-palettes/scss/palettes.scss\",\"commands\":\"apply,save,close\"}"