This script auto claims coingecko candy according to the time interval you set.
- Login to your account and make sure remember me is checked while doing so.
After logging in, open the developer console by pressing F12 on your keyboard.
Click the network tab and refresh the page by pressing F5 or by using your browser's refresh button. Make sure you don't close the developer console. Firefox was used in this demonstration. Chrome and other browsers can be used as well.
- After the page refreshes, scroll up the network tab and click the GET request to the domain for file /.
A new section will be opened on the right with the headers tab already selected.
Scroll down and look for the cookie under the request headers tab.
Paste the copied cookies into the cookies.txt file and save it. Make sure you keep your cookies safe and secure. Any one with the cookies can access your account.
Make sure you don't sign out of your coingecko account or it will render the cookies invalid. Close the window instead.
Clone the repo to your VPS with
git clone
. -
Cd into coingecko-candy-claimer with
cd coingecko-candy-claimer
and edit the cookies.txt file by typingnano cookies.txt
Paste the cookies and save it by pressing Ctrl + X, press Y and then Enter.
Install the requirements using
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
orpip install -r requirements.txt
Create a new tmux window with
tmux new-session -s coingecko-candy
. This will create a new tmux window that will allow the script to run in the background and prevent the script from getting interupted. -
Now type
watch -n 22320 python3
. This will run the script every 6 hours and claim your candy automatically every 6 hours. You can adjust the time to your liking.
Press Ctrl + B and then D to detach from the tmux window. You can always go back to the window by typing
tmux attach-session -s coingecko-candy
. -
Alternative to step 5 and 6, you can use crontab to schedule the interval you want the script to run.