Use this lib to create pixel pirfect designs in web or react-native/native-script projects
version 1.0.0
Installing from git:
npm i -S git+https://[email protected]/ingvardm/pixels2points.git#master
yarn add git+https://[email protected]/ingvardm/pixels2points.git#master
Installing from npm:
npm i -S pixels2points
yarn add pixels2points
Installing with bower:
Require and configure:
const pixels2points = require('pixels2points')
const calcSize = pixels2points.calculate
// configure device and design width in pixels
deviceWidth: 640,
designWidth: 750
console.log(calcSize(200)) // 170.66666666666666
Use built in roundeing function to round output to nearest integer;
roundToNearestPoint: true
console.log('rounded ', calcSize(200)) // rounded 171
Configure pixels2points to use custom middlewear function:
const myRoundingFunction = function(points){
return Math.floor(points)
roundToNearestPoint: false,
middlewear: myRoundingFunction
console.log('rounded down ', calcSize(200)) // rounded down 170
Run with parameters:
var buttonWidth = calcSize(200, {
deviceWidth: 720,
middlewear: points => points > 150 ? 120 : 100
console.log('responsive button width = ', buttonWidth)
// responsive button width = 120
use chached values for better performance:
cache: true,
middlewear: null // Dont forget to reset previously configured parameters
var buttonWidthA = calcSize(200)
console.log('200 isn\'cached, calculating...', buttonWidthA)
// 200 isn'cached, calculating... 170.66666666666666
var buttonWidthB = calcSize(200)
console.log('200 IS cached, returning chached value', buttonWidthB)
// 200 IS cached, returning chached value 170.66666666666666
install npm packages
npm i
npm test
npm run build
To contribute to this project follow these guidelines
Development branch: "dev"