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#L4 Messenger

Basic Messaging System for Laravel4


The main purpose of this package is providing an suited Foundation for extended communication platforms, based on laravel 4 (or compatible frameworks).

##Overview You have many users and they want to chat? Couldn't be simplier! We extended the standard Laravel User-Model to satisfy the requirements.

  • Users have many conversations
  • A conversation belongs to many users
  • A message belongs to a single conversation
  • A conversation consists of many Messages

ER-Model Prototype



  • Eloquent ORM


First of all, integrate the source code into your project. You can do it, by adding the package name to your composer.json file and calling the update function:

You will find a "require" section (enclosed within two curly brackets) in your project's composer file. Please add the given line (project name and version) there. The different package-requirements should be separeted with an comma, but the last one should not be terminated!

example of an valid composer.json file:

    "name": "company/yourproject",  
	"description": "some bla bla",  
	"keywords": ["framework", "laravel"],  
	"license": "free like free beer",  
	"require": {  
		"laravel/framework": "4.0.*",  
		"pichkrement/messenger": "dev-master"
	"autoload": {  
		"classmap": [  
	"scripts": {  
		"post-install-cmd": [  
			"php artisan optimize"  
		"post-update-cmd": [  
			"php artisan clear-compiled",  
			"php artisan optimize"  
		"post-create-project-cmd": [  
			"php artisan key:generate"  
	"config": {  
		"preferred-install": "dist"  
	"minimum-stability": "dev"  

Now you have to update your changes and integrate it. Call the composer install and artisan migrate command in the base-directory of your project (this is the parent folder of ./app ./public and ./src):

composer install && composer dump-autoload  
php artisan migrate --package "pichkrement/messenger"

If the first command does not work, you should check your composer installation! Is it installed and global available? (You will find one of the best installation guides right here). The second command migrates the database (if it throws an error, it's probably because your database is not configured yet. Just take a look at this page for more details)


Congratulations! Now you can use the laravel4 messenger.

Just extend your Eloquent ORM models (app/models/*) with the messenger-base models (Message, User and Conversation). It should look like this:

// app/models/Conversation.php

class Conversation extends Pichkrement\Messenger\Models\Conversation {}
// app/models/Message.php

class Message extends Pichkrement\Messenger\Models\Message {}
// app/models/User.php

class User extends Pichkrement\Messenger\Models\User {}


now you can use it like a pro.

Create new Converstions and add Messages:

    //create new Conversation
    $c1 = Conversation::create(
    		'name' => 'some name'
    //add authenticated User

    //create new Message
            'content' => "Hello World!" , 
            'user_id' => Auth::user()->id, 
            'conversation_id' => $c1->id

    //add other participants
    $c1->addUser(array(/* some user id's please */));

    //or using the alternative Syntax
    $c2 = new Conversation;
    $c2->name = "some name";

    //add all available users (untested)
    $c2->addUser( array_fetch(User::all()->toArray(), 'id') );

Fetch data

    //get all Messages from a single conversation as array
    $data = Conversation::findOrFail($id)->messages()->get()->toArray();
    //get all conversations from the authenticated user
    $data = Auth::user()->conversations()->get()->toArray();
    //get one attribute form all members of a conversation (here the firstname)
    array_fetch( Conversation::find($conv_id)->users->toArray(), 'firstname' ))


Message Package for Laravel 4.






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Contributors 4

