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Aleksandr Nedorezov edited this page Aug 8, 2017 · 37 revisions

Functional Requirements

Functional requirements do not affect on architecture decisions directly, but provide an evidence of what software will do and a baseline for thinking about quality attributes. For LabelThem we have decided to use a lightweight way to capture functional requirements, namely by capturing shall statements. Later, from those shall statements, we have derived a list of functional responsibilities, in order to distribute them to systems components during design iterations.

Shall Statement Functional Responsibility
The system shall present users with an image to be labeled 1. Present an image from the specified source
The system shall allow users to draw polygons on the image 2. Handle clicks on polygon tool button
3. Handle сlicks on the image
4. Save points coordinates
5. Display / Invalidate graphical representation of the markup according to the coordinates of currently saved points
The system shall allow users to assign a class to the labelled object 6. Receive data from a remote server
7. Parse JSON with classes
8. Display classes specified for the job
9. Handle users selection of a class
10. Save users selection of a class
The system shall allow users to modify points of the labelled object 11. Handle clicks on saved points over the image
12. Delete saved points
13. Save points coordinates
14. Invalidate graphical representation of the markup according to the coordinates of currently saved points
The system shall allow users to add parameters to the labelled object 15. Receive data from a remote server
16. Parse JSON with parameters
17. Display parameters specified for the job
18. Handle users selection of parameters
19. Save users selection of parameters
The system shall allow user to configure the location of a dataset 20. Configure dataset location
The system shall be able to use images from a remote dataset by accepting URL's as images sources 21. Receive data from a remote server
22. Present an image from a remote source
The system shall allow users to specify classes and parameters for a job 23. Specify classes / parameters for a job
24. Save data on the remote server
The system shall allow users to modify the scale of the image 25. Handle clicks on increase / decrease image scale buttons
26. Increase / decrease images scale
27. Invalidate graphical representation of the markup according to the current scale of the image
The system shall allow users to select labeled object to modify / delete 28. Handle the selection of the labelled object
The system shall allow users to modify class of the labeled object 29. Delete saved users selection of a class for the labelled object
30. Handle users selection of a class
31. Save users selection of a class
The system shall allow users to modify parameters of the labeled object 32. Delete saved users selection of parameters for the labelled object
33. Handle users selection of parameters
34. Save users selection of parameters
The system shall allow users to delete selected labeled object 35. Delete saved points
36. Invalidate graphical representation of the markup according to the coordinates of currently saved points
37. Delete saved users selection of a class for the labelled object
38. Delete saved users selection of parameters for the labelled object
The system shall allow users to export markup as JSON 39. Generate a JSON with currently saved markup data (points, classes, parameters for all objects labelled on the image, markup quality, and identification data of the user who performed image markup)
40. Handle requests to GET markup data from the system
The system shall allow user to modify brightness of the image 41. Handle clicks on increase / decrease image brightness buttons
42. Increase / Decrease brightness of the image
The system shall support integration with third-party classificators 43. Convert marked-up image into third-party classificator-receivable format
44. Send data to the third-party classificator
45. Receive data from the third-party classificator
46. Convert data received from the classificator to a format supported by the system
47. Save recommended classes
48. Display selection of the class suggested by a third-party classificator
The system shall allow users to markup images by contours (lines) recommendation 49. Convert an image into recommendation method-receivable format
50. Execute contours recommendation
51. Convert recommendation data to a format supported by the system
52. Save points coordinates
53. Invalidate graphical representation of the markup according to the coordinates of currently saved points
The system shall run multiple jobs on one instance of itself 54. Select / add / remove a job
The system shall allow users to markup areas on the image by scribbling on them 55. Handle scribbling over the image
56. Convert scribbled area into a polygon
57. Save points coordinates
58. Invalidate graphical representation of the markup according to the coordinates of currently saved points
The system shall check the quality of images markup 59. Convert marked-up image into quality checker-receivable format
60. Check the quality of the markup
61. Save information about the quality of the image
The system shall support user authorization 62. Register a user in the system
63. Log in a user in the system
64. Log out the user from the system
The system shall allow users to undo previous points addition / modification 65. Handle clicks on the undo button
66. Save actions history
67. Display actions history
68. Handle clicks on the records in the actions history
69. Delete saved points
70. Invalidate graphical representation of the markup according to the coordinates of currently saved points

After defining the scope of the system in terms of functional requirements, we can think about quality attributes, which will shape the architecture.

Quality Attributes

For quality attributes, we are going to use ISO 25010 Quality Model as a basis for defining quality attributes. As LabelThem project goals include minimization of cost of dataset preparation, increase markup quality, providing quick on demand dataset preparation, and providing a universal (configurable for different jobs) tool for images markup, we will focus on the following quality attributes and sub-characteristics during the design and development of our application:

  • Usability (Operability, Learnability, Accessibility, User Error Protection)
  • Performance Efficiency (Time Behaviour)
  • Reliability (Fault Tolerance)
  • Maintainability (Testability, Modifiability, Reusability, Analyzability)
  • Functional Suitability (Functional Correctness)
  • Performance Efficiency (Resource Utilization)
  • Portability (Installability)
  • Security (Authenticity, Confidentiality)
  • Compatibility (Interoperability)

In order to have traceability between our business goals and quality attributes, we analyzed the business goals of LabelThem project, transferring them to engineering objectives and mapping them on quality attributes. For each quality attribute we came up with quality attribute scenarios, prioritized them (first value is a business priority – how important this goal is from a business perspective, and the second one is a development priority – how critical it is to implement this engineering objective in relation to the whole system). After that, we came up with architecture tactics (Bass, L., Clements, P. & Kazman, R., 2012. Software Architecture in Practice, Addison-Wesley, p.89), which are techniques that an architect can use to achieve the required quality attributes.

The resulting table is presented below:

Business Goal Engineering Objective Quality Attribute Quality Attribute Scenario Priority Tactics
Reduce cost of dataset preparation Minimize time to markup an image Operability Markup process must take less than 5 minutes (Must, Low) Maintain task model
User Error Protection A user can undo addition of the previous markup point in less than 5 seconds (Would, Medium) Mantain records of previous markup actions
Time Behaviour Systems webpage on which images can be labelled should opened on local host in less than 1 second (Should, Low) Improve resource efficiency
Learnability A user should understand the basic workflow of the system after acquainting with a user tutorial for not more than 15 minutes (Must, Low) Maintain task model
Minimize system setup time Installability Procedure of the system installation should take less than 60 minutes. Ideally should be improved to less than 10 minutes (Must, Low) Minimize Platform Dependencies
Ensure that system do not lose markup data Fault Tolerance If the backend crashes because of the arriving events overload, this fault should be detected in less than 60 seconds (Should, Medium) Ping/echo
In case of detection of the fault of backend crashing because of the arriving events overload, a notification to a user should appear in less than 10 seconds after the fault was detected (Should, Medium) Exception handling
The front-end of the system should not crash in case of the fault of backend crashing because of the arriving events overload (Should, High) Removal from service
Replace labor with automation by supporting integration with third-party classificators Interoperability The system should return JSON values for all requests from third-party classificators (Would, Low) Tailor Interface
Increase markup quality Support markup quality control Functional Correctness Saved coordinates of markup points should not differ from the ones pointed out by a user more than on 5 pixels (Would, Low) -
Authenticity All markup results should contain identification data of the user who performed image markup (Would, Low) Identify Actors
Provide a universal (configurable for different jobs) tool for images markup Support configuration of datasets, jobs parameters and classes Modifiability A user should be able to configure classes or parameters for the job without introducing new defects to the system (Would, Medium) Encapsulate
A user should be able to configure classes or parameters for the job by editing data in no more than 1 file (Would, Medium)
Improve Innosoft company's reputation Increase open-source community involvement in project development Testability Statement coverage of 80% is achieved (Should, Low) Abstract data sources
Limit structural complexity
Modularity Modification of available tools or data collection workflow will affect no more than 4 modules (Would, High) Split module
Increase semantic coherence
Use an intermediary (Publish-subscribe)
Abstract common services
Defer binding (Publish-subscribe)


Technical Constraints

  • The system should be implemented as a web-service
  • JavaScript should be used on the frontend
  • Python or/and JavaScript should be used on the backend
  • The system should work in Chromium Browser (ver. 55+)
  • Systems users are supposed to have a computer mouse with at least two buttons and a "wheel"
  • The system should be implemented as a Yandex.Toloka-hosted and integrated system

Business Constraints

//: # (The system should support integration with the Yandex.Toloka crowdsourcing system

  • The system should be released before August 9, 2017