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Sort notes within stack view (#1858)
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bitionaire authored Jan 21, 2023
1 parent e591c1a commit abc45c8
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Showing 6 changed files with 310 additions and 36 deletions.
107 changes: 90 additions & 17 deletions server/src/database/notes.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ func (d *Database) updateNoteWithoutStack(update NoteUpdate) (Note, error) {
With("update_when_new_is_higher", updateWhenNewIsHigher).
With("update_child_notes", updateChildNotes).
Set("\"column\" = ?", update.Position.Column).
Set("stack = ?", update.Position.Stack).
Set("\"stack\" = ?", update.Position.Stack).
Set("rank = (SELECT new_rank FROM rank_selection)").
Where("id = ?", update.ID).
Where("board = ?", update.Board).
Expand All @@ -176,38 +176,111 @@ func (d *Database) updateNoteWithoutStack(update NoteUpdate) (Note, error) {

func (d *Database) updateNoteWithStack(update NoteUpdate) (Note, error) {
newRank := update.Position.Rank
if update.Position.Rank < 0 {
newRank = 0

// select previous configuration of note to update
previous := d.db.NewSelect().Model((*Note)(nil)).Where("id = ?", update.ID).Where("board = ?", update.Board)

// select previous configuration of stack target
stackTarget := d.db.NewSelect().Model((*Note)(nil)).Where("id = ?", update.Position.Stack).Where("board = ?", update.Board)

// check whether this note should be updated
updateCheck := d.db.NewSelect().ColumnExpr("CASE WHEN (SELECT \"stack\" FROM previous) IS NOT NULL AND (SELECT \"stack\" FROM previous) <> ? THEN true WHEN (SELECT \"stack\" FROM previous) IS NULL THEN true ELSE false END as should_update", update.Position.Stack).ColumnExpr("CASE WHEN (SELECT \"column\" FROM notes WHERE id = ?) = ? THEN true ELSE false END as valid_update", update.Position.Stack, update.Position.Column)
updateCheck := d.db.
ColumnExpr("CASE WHEN (SELECT \"stack\" FROM previous) IS NOT NULL AND (SELECT \"stack\" FROM previous) <> ? THEN true WHEN (SELECT \"stack\" FROM previous) IS NULL THEN true ELSE false END as is_new_in_stack", update.Position.Stack).
ColumnExpr("CASE WHEN (SELECT \"stack\" FROM previous) = ? AND (SELECT \"rank\" FROM previous) <> ? THEN true ELSE false END as is_same_stack", update.Position.Stack, update.Position.Rank).
ColumnExpr("CASE WHEN (SELECT \"stack\" FROM stack_target) = ? THEN true ELSE false END as is_stack_swap", update.ID).
ColumnExpr("CASE WHEN (SELECT \"column\" FROM notes WHERE id = ?) = ? THEN true ELSE false END as valid_update", update.Position.Stack, update.Position.Column)

// select the children of the note to update
children := d.db.NewSelect().Model((*Note)(nil)).Column("*").ColumnExpr("row_number() over (ORDER BY rank DESC) as index").Where("stack = ?", update.ID)

// select the new rank for the note based on the limits of the ranks pre-existing
rankSelection := d.db.NewSelect().Model((*Note)(nil)).ColumnExpr("CASE WHEN (SELECT should_update FROM update_check) THEN COUNT(*) + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM children) ELSE (SELECT rank FROM previous) END as new_rank").Where("\"column\" = ?", update.Position.Column).Where("board = ?", update.Board).Where("stack = ?", update.Position.Stack)
rankSelection := d.db.NewSelect().Model((*Note)(nil)).
ColumnExpr("CASE "+
"WHEN (SELECT is_stack_swap FROM update_check) THEN (SELECT rank FROM stack_target) "+
"WHEN (SELECT is_same_stack FROM update_check) THEN LEAST((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM notes WHERE \"stack\" = ?)-1, ?) "+
"WHEN (SELECT is_new_in_stack FROM update_check) THEN COUNT(*) + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM children) "+
"ELSE (SELECT rank FROM previous) END as new_rank", update.Position.Stack, newRank).
Where("\"column\" = ?", update.Position.Column).
Where("board = ?", update.Board).
Where("stack = ?", update.Position.Stack)

// shift notes within stack if the new rank is lower than before
updateWhenNewIsLower := d.db.NewUpdate().Model((*Note)(nil)).Set("rank=rank+1").Where("(SELECT is_same_stack FROM update_check)").Where("(SELECT new_rank FROM rank_selection) < (SELECT rank FROM previous)").Where("\"stack\" = ?", update.Position.Stack).Where("board = ?", update.Board).Where("rank >= (SELECT new_rank FROM rank_selection)").Where("rank < (SELECT rank FROM previous)")

// shift notes within stack if the new rank is higher than before
updateWhenNewIsHigher := d.db.NewUpdate().Model((*Note)(nil)).Set("rank=rank-1").Where("(SELECT is_same_stack FROM update_check)").Where("(SELECT new_rank FROM rank_selection) > (SELECT rank FROM previous)").Where("\"stack\" = ?", update.Position.Stack).Where("board = ?", update.Board).Where("rank <= (SELECT new_rank FROM rank_selection)").Where("rank > (SELECT rank FROM previous)")

// update the ranks of other notes if this note is moved freshly into a new stack
updateWhenPreviouslyNotInStack := d.db.NewUpdate().Model((*Note)(nil)).Set("rank=rank-1").Where("(SELECT should_update FROM update_check)").Where("(SELECT valid_update FROM update_check)").Where("board = ?", update.Board).Where("\"column\" = (SELECT \"column\" FROM previous)").Where("rank >= (SELECT rank FROM previous)").WhereGroup(" AND ", func(q *bun.UpdateQuery) *bun.UpdateQuery {
return q.
WhereGroup(" OR ", func(q *bun.UpdateQuery) *bun.UpdateQuery {
return q.
Where("(SELECT stack FROM previous) IS NULL").
Where("stack IS NULL")
WhereGroup(" OR ", func(q *bun.UpdateQuery) *bun.UpdateQuery {
return q.
Where("(SELECT stack FROM previous) IS NOT NULL").
Where("stack = (SELECT stack FROM previous)")
updateWhenPreviouslyNotInStack := d.db.NewUpdate().Model((*Note)(nil)).
Where("(SELECT is_new_in_stack FROM update_check)").
Where("NOT (SELECT is_stack_swap FROM update_check)").
Where("(SELECT valid_update FROM update_check)").
Where("board = ?", update.Board).
Where("\"column\" = (SELECT \"column\" FROM previous)").
Where("rank >= (SELECT rank FROM previous)").
WhereGroup(" AND ", func(q *bun.UpdateQuery) *bun.UpdateQuery {
return q.
WhereGroup(" OR ", func(q *bun.UpdateQuery) *bun.UpdateQuery {
return q.
Where("(SELECT stack FROM previous) IS NULL").
Where("stack IS NULL")
WhereGroup(" OR ", func(q *bun.UpdateQuery) *bun.UpdateQuery {
return q.
Where("(SELECT stack FROM previous) IS NOT NULL").
Where("stack = (SELECT stack FROM previous)")

// update the stack and rank of the children of the note to update, so that it matches the new configuration
updateChildren := d.db.NewUpdate().TableExpr("notes as n").TableExpr("children as c").Set("stack = ?", update.Position.Stack).Set("rank = (SELECT new_rank FROM rank_selection) - c.index").Set("\"column\" = ?", update.Position.Column).Where("(SELECT valid_update FROM update_check)").Where("(SELECT should_update FROM update_check)").Where(" =")
updateChildren := d.db.NewUpdate().
TableExpr("notes as n").
TableExpr("children as c").
Set("stack = ?", update.Position.Stack).
Set("rank = (SELECT new_rank FROM rank_selection) - c.index").
Set("\"column\" = ?", update.Position.Column).
Where("(SELECT valid_update FROM update_check)").
Where("(SELECT is_new_in_stack FROM update_check)").
Where("NOT (SELECT is_stack_swap FROM update_check)").
Where(" =")

// update the stack and rank of the children of the note to update, so that it matches the new configuration
updateChildrenInSwap := d.db.NewUpdate().
TableExpr("notes as n").
TableExpr("children as c").
Set("stack = ?", update.Position.Stack).
Set("\"column\" = ?", update.Position.Column).
Where("(SELECT valid_update FROM update_check)").
Where("(SELECT is_stack_swap FROM update_check)").
Where(" =")

// update new stack root
updateSwapNote := d.db.NewUpdate().Model((*Note)(nil)).
Set("rank = (SELECT rank FROM previous)").
Set("stack = ?", nil).
Where("(SELECT valid_update FROM update_check)").
Where("(SELECT is_stack_swap FROM update_check)").
Where("id = (SELECT id FROM stack_target)").
Where("board = ?", update.Board)

query := d.db.NewUpdate().Model(&update).
With("previous", previous).
With("stack_target", stackTarget).
With("update_check", updateCheck).
With("children", children).
With("rank_selection", rankSelection).
With("update_lower", updateWhenNewIsLower).
With("update_higher", updateWhenNewIsHigher).
With("update_when_previously_not_in_stack", updateWhenPreviouslyNotInStack).
With("update_children", updateChildren).
With("update_children_in_swap", updateChildrenInSwap).
With("update_stack_target", updateSwapNote).
Set("\"column\" = ?", update.Position.Column).
Set("stack = ?", update.Position.Stack).
Set("rank = (SELECT new_rank FROM rank_selection)").
Expand Down
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions server/src/database/notes_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ func TestRunnerForNotes(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Update=10", testOrderOnShiftToStackWithinOtherColumn)
t.Run("Update=11", testOrderWhenMergingStacks)

t.Run("Update=12", testChangeOrderWhenMoveWithinStackToLower)
t.Run("Update=13", testChangeOrderWhenMoveWithinStackToHigher)
t.Run("Update=14", testChangeOrderWhenMoveWithinStackToNegative)
t.Run("Update=15", testChangeOrderWhenMoveWithinStackToLargeRank)
t.Run("Update=16", testOrderWhenChangeStackParent)

t.Run("Delete=0", testDeleteNote)
t.Run("Delete=1", testDeleteStackParent)
t.Run("Delete=2", testDeleteSharedNote)
Expand All @@ -50,6 +56,14 @@ var noteB2 *Note
var noteB3 *Note
var noteC1 *Note

var stackTestBoard *Board
var stackTestColumn *Column
var stackA *Note
var stackB *Note
var stackC *Note
var stackD *Note
var stackUser *User

var author *User

func testGetNote(t *testing.T) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,6 +346,114 @@ func testOrderWhenMergingStacks(t *testing.T) {
verifyNoteOrder(t, notes, noteA1, noteA4, noteA2, noteA6, noteA3, noteA5)

func testChangeOrderWhenMoveWithinStackToLower(t *testing.T) {
stackTestBoard = fixture.MustRow("Board.stackTestBoard").(*Board)
stackTestColumn = fixture.MustRow("Column.stackTestColumn").(*Column)
stackA = fixture.MustRow("Note.stackTestNote1").(*Note)
stackB = fixture.MustRow("Note.stackTestNote2").(*Note)
stackC = fixture.MustRow("Note.stackTestNote3").(*Note)
stackD = fixture.MustRow("Note.stackTestNote4").(*Note)
stackUser = fixture.MustRow("User.justin").(*User)

A: Rank 1337, Stack null
B: Rank 0, Stack A
C: Rank 1, Stack A
D: Rank 2, Stack A

notes, _ := testDb.GetNotes(stackTestBoard.ID, stackTestColumn.ID)
verifyNoteOrder(t, notes, stackA, stackD, stackC, stackB)

note, err := testDb.UpdateNote(stackUser.ID, NoteUpdate{
ID: stackD.ID,
Board: stackTestBoard.ID,
Position: &NoteUpdatePosition{
Column: stackD.Column,
Stack: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: stackA.ID, Valid: true},
Rank: 0,

assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, note.Rank)

notes, _ = testDb.GetNotes(stackTestBoard.ID, stackTestColumn.ID)
verifyNoteOrder(t, notes, stackA, stackC, stackB, stackD)

func testChangeOrderWhenMoveWithinStackToHigher(t *testing.T) {
note, err := testDb.UpdateNote(stackUser.ID, NoteUpdate{
ID: stackD.ID,
Board: stackTestBoard.ID,
Position: &NoteUpdatePosition{
Column: stackA.Column,
Stack: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: stackA.ID, Valid: true},
Rank: 2,

assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 2, note.Rank)

notes, _ := testDb.GetNotes(stackTestBoard.ID, stackTestColumn.ID)
verifyNoteOrder(t, notes, stackA, stackD, stackC, stackB)

func testChangeOrderWhenMoveWithinStackToNegative(t *testing.T) {
note, err := testDb.UpdateNote(stackUser.ID, NoteUpdate{
ID: stackD.ID,
Board: stackTestBoard.ID,
Position: &NoteUpdatePosition{
Column: stackA.Column,
Stack: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: stackA.ID, Valid: true},
Rank: -100,

assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, note.Rank)

notes, _ := testDb.GetNotes(stackTestBoard.ID, stackTestColumn.ID)
verifyNoteOrder(t, notes, stackA, stackC, stackB, stackD)

func testChangeOrderWhenMoveWithinStackToLargeRank(t *testing.T) {
note, err := testDb.UpdateNote(stackUser.ID, NoteUpdate{
ID: stackD.ID,
Board: stackTestBoard.ID,
Position: &NoteUpdatePosition{
Column: stackA.Column,
Stack: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: stackA.ID, Valid: true},
Rank: 9999,

assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 2, note.Rank)

notes, _ := testDb.GetNotes(stackTestBoard.ID, stackTestColumn.ID)
verifyNoteOrder(t, notes, stackA, stackD, stackC, stackB)

func testOrderWhenChangeStackParent(t *testing.T) {
note, err := testDb.UpdateNote(stackUser.ID, NoteUpdate{
ID: stackA.ID,
Board: stackTestBoard.ID,
Position: &NoteUpdatePosition{
Column: stackD.Column,
Stack: uuid.NullUUID{UUID: stackD.ID, Valid: true},
Rank: 9999,

assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 2, note.Rank)

notes, _ := testDb.GetNotes(stackTestBoard.ID, stackTestColumn.ID)
verifyNoteOrder(t, notes, stackD, stackA, stackC, stackB)

func testDeleteNote(t *testing.T) {
err := testDb.DeleteNote(author.ID, notesTestBoard.ID, noteB1.ID)
assert.Nil(t, err)
Expand Down
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions server/src/database/testdata/fixture.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -152,6 +152,13 @@
show_authors: true
show_notes_of_other_users: true
created_at: '{{ now }}'
- _id: stackTestBoard
id: "1acd6899-ad71-4479-8ffe-6c6401b20811"
name: Stack test board
access_policy: PUBLIC
show_authors: true
show_notes_of_other_users: true
created_at: '{{ now }}'

- model: BoardSessionInsert
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,6 +214,10 @@
board: '{{ $.Board.votingSortingTestBoard.ID }}'
user: '{{ $.User.justin.ID }}'
role: OWNER
- _id: justinSessionOnStackTestBoard
board: '{{ $.Board.stackTestBoard.ID }}'
user: '{{ $.User.justin.ID }}'
role: OWNER

- model: Column
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,6 +312,13 @@
color: backlog-blue
visible: true
index: 0
- _id: stackTestColumn
id: "00c8c51b-d391-4472-8136-06eadff7bbd6"
board: '{{ $.Board.stackTestBoard.ID }}'
name: Stack test column
color: backlog-blue
visible: true
index: 0

- model: Note
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -472,6 +490,38 @@
text: "Note 6"
stack: "8d77f76d-803c-4c37-9c03-20d38772ef7f"
rank: 0
- _id: stackTestNote1
id: "c98dd000-66ae-4c59-a7de-b7fee44e452a"
board: '{{ $.Board.stackTestBoard.ID }}'
author: '{{ $.User.justin.ID }}'
column: '{{ $.Column.stackTestColumn.ID }}'
text: "A"
stack: null
rank: 1337
- _id: stackTestNote2
id: "c98dd001-66ae-4c59-a7de-b7fee44e452a"
board: '{{ $.Board.stackTestBoard.ID }}'
author: '{{ $.User.justin.ID }}'
column: '{{ $.Column.stackTestColumn.ID }}'
text: "B"
stack: "c98dd000-66ae-4c59-a7de-b7fee44e452a"
rank: 0
- _id: stackTestNote3
id: "c98dd002-66ae-4c59-a7de-b7fee44e452a"
board: '{{ $.Board.stackTestBoard.ID }}'
author: '{{ $.User.justin.ID }}'
column: '{{ $.Column.stackTestColumn.ID }}'
text: "C"
stack: "c98dd000-66ae-4c59-a7de-b7fee44e452a"
rank: 1
- _id: stackTestNote4
id: "c98dd003-66ae-4c59-a7de-b7fee44e452a"
board: '{{ $.Board.stackTestBoard.ID }}'
author: '{{ $.User.justin.ID }}'
column: '{{ $.Column.stackTestColumn.ID }}'
text: "D"
stack: "c98dd000-66ae-4c59-a7de-b7fee44e452a"
rank: 2

- model: Voting
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion server/src/go.mod
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ require (

require ( v1.6.1 // indirect v1.7.0 // indirect v0.0.0-20210617225240-d185dfc1b5a1 // indirect v0.5.2 // indirect v0.0.0-20120604004816-cd527374f1e5 // indirect
Expand Down

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