Daedalus 4.9.0 update
Daedalus 4.9.0 improves feedback on the node syncing stages, updates the Send screen, the Stake Pools list view, and the wallets menu.
The sync screen now displays detailed information about all the node syncing stages.
The Send screen automatically updates the minimum ada required to process a transaction and includes a new dialog for selecting tokens.
The delegated stake pools are now displayed in the Stake Pools list view.
The wallets menu now includes search and sort features.
This release also brings several other user interface improvements, including:
- A Windows 11 issue that prevented checking the disk space has been fixed.
- The Daedalus Team screen has been updated and the Daedalus codebase has been migrated to Typescript.
Please read the release notes for more information.
Download Daedalus at daedaluswallet.io
Installer integrity verification
PGP signatures
Installers are signed with IOHK's organisational PGP key with this fingerprint: D32587D4090FE461CAEE0FF4966E5CB9CBFAA9BA