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@insin insin released this 25 Feb 15:50
· 904 commits to master since this release

Breaking Changes:

  • npm-install-webpack-plugin is now used instead of npm-install-loader to implement nwb serve --auto-install.

    If you were configuring automatic npm installation using a loaders.install.query.cli config object, this should be moved to webpack.plugins.install instead.

nwb.config.js Format Changes:

nwb v0.8 will support the old format and display warning messages about the changes required before upgrading to nwb v0.9.

  1. React component and vanilla JS module npm build configuration must now be specificed as a build object:

    // < v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-component',
      externals: {react: 'React'},
      global: 'MyComponent',
      jsNext: true,
      umd: true
    // v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-component',
      build: {
        externals: {react: 'React'},
        global: 'MyComponent',
        jsNext: true,
        umd: true
  2. Webpack configuration must now be specified as a webpack object:

    // < v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-app',
      loaders: {
        css: {
          query: {
            modules: true
    // v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-app',
      webpack: {
        loaders: {
          css: {
            query: {
              modules: true
  3. Webpack define config must now be specified in a plugins object:

    // < v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-app',
      define: {
        __VERSION__: JSON.stringify(require('./package.json').version)
    // v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-app',
      webpack: {
        plugins: {
          define: {
            __VERSION__: JSON.stringify(require('./package.json').version)
  4. All "extra" Webpack config must be specified in a an extra object, including extra loaders. The new object must correspond with Webpack's config file layout.

    // < v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-app',
      loaders: {
        extra: [/* ... */]
    // v0.9
    module.exports = {
      type: 'react-app',
      webpack: {
        extra: {
          module: {
            loaders: [/* ... */]


  • nwb.config.js is now only required when running generic build commands: build, clean, serve, test
    • type config is only required when running a generic build command, but if provided it must be valid.
  • Karma tests now always run just once in a CI environment regardless of the --server flag - this allows you to use --server in your default npm test command if you want to, without needing a separate run script for CI.
  • Development instructions in project templates were moved from to a file, and are now documented using npm and npm run commands instead of global nwb commands.
  • All commands are now run in the current working directory - you no longer need to require.resolve() full paths to extra Babel plugins configured in nwb.config.js, just use their names as normal and Babel will now be able to import them.
  • Upgraded to PhantomJS v2 for Karma tests.
    • Babel polyfills are no longer included in Webpack config for Karma, as PhantomJS v2 uses a more recent version of WebKit.


  • Extra webpack config can now be configured via a webpack.extra Object.
    • To support adding other webpack built-in plugins via extra, if a function is exported from nwb.config.js, it will now be called with an object containing the following properties:
      • command - the nwb command being executed
      • webpack - the webpack module (for configuring extra plugins using nwb's version of webpack)
  • Project type-specific versions of the build, clean and serve commands are now officially documented for direct use.
  • A test:watch npm script was added to project template package.json.


  • autoprefixer-loader: v3.1.0 → v3.2.0
  • cross-spawn: v2.1.4 → v2.1.5 - update which dependency (minor)
  • expect: v1.13.4 → v1.14.0 - new features
  • express: v4.13.3 → v4.13.4 - deps
  • extract-text-webpack-plugin: v0.9.1 → v1.0.1 - use webpack-sources
  • glob: v6.0.3 → v7.0.0 - throw if cwd is not a directory
  • html-webpack-plugin: v1.7.0 → v2.9.0
  • inquirer: v0.11.2 → v0.12.0
  • karma: v0.13.18 → v0.13.21 - 1.4.5 seems to have fixed the post-test hanging issue, bug fixes and new features
  • karma-mocha: v0.2.1 → v0.2.2
  • karma-mocha-reporter: v1.1.5 → v1.2.2 - add diff output for failed tests
  • karma-phantomjs-launcher: v0.2.3 → v1.0.0 - use phantomjs-prebuild
  • mocha: v2.3.4 → v2.4.5
  • phantomjs v1.9.19 → phantomjs-prebuilt v2.1.4 - update installer to PhantomJS 2.x, renamed package
  • qs: v5.2.0 → v6.1.0 - revert ES6 requirement, new allowDots option and some fixes
  • react-transform-catch-errors: v1.0.1 → v1.0.2 - remove some files from the npm package
  • react-transform-hmr: v1.0.1 → v1.0.2 - remove some files from the npm package
  • resolve: v1.1.6 → v1.1.7 - fix node_modules paths on Windows
  • rimraf: v2.5.0 → v2.5.2
  • webpack: v1.12.11 → v1.12.14 - fix Windows filename backslash incompatibility
  • webpack-dev-middleware: v1.4.0 → v1.5.1 - platform-agnostic path joining, use res.send when available
  • webpack-hot-middleware: v2.6.0 → v2.7.1 - improve hint when hot reloads aren't accepted, update strip-ansi dependency (major), update stats handling