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KeyHippo extends Supabase's Row Level Security (RLS) to support API key authentication and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) directly in Postgres.

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Core Functionality

KeyHippo enables API key authentication and fine-grained access control in Supabase applications while preserving Row Level Security policies. It handles both session-based and API key authentication using SQL and introduces an RBAC system for managing permissions.


  • Unified RLS policies for session and API key authentication
  • Secure API key management without JWTs
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for permissions
  • Impersonation functions for administrative tasks
  • API key lifecycle management

Quick Start

Database Setup

  1. Install the KeyHippo extension:
select dbdev.install('keyhippo@keyhippo');
create extension "keyhippo@keyhippo" version '1.2.4';

Consult for version updates.

  1. Post-installation, KeyHippo functions become accessible within your database environment.

Application Integration

KeyHippo functions are accessible via SQL. Use them directly in your application code or via PostgREST. All interactions with KeyHippo occur through your application's existing database interface.

Usage Examples

API Key Generation

Create an API key for the current authenticated user:

SELECT * FROM keyhippo.create_api_key('Primary API Key', 'default');

This generates a new API key with the provided description and associates it with the 'default' scope.

RLS Policy Implementation

Example of a policy supporting both authentication methods and RBAC:

CREATE POLICY "owner_access"
ON "public"."resource_table"
  keyhippo.current_user_context().user_id = resource_table.owner_id
  AND keyhippo.authorize('manage_resources')

This policy grants access when the user is authenticated via a session token or a valid API key and has the 'manage_resources' permission.

RBAC Management

Create a new group, role, and assign permissions:

-- Create a new group
SELECT keyhippo_rbac.create_group('Developers', 'Group for developer users') AS group_id;

-- Create a new role
SELECT keyhippo_rbac.create_role('Developer', 'Developer role', '<group_id>', 'user') AS role_id;

-- Assign permissions to the role
SELECT keyhippo_rbac.assign_permission_to_role('<role_id>', 'manage_resources');

-- Assign the role to a user
SELECT keyhippo_rbac.assign_role_to_user('<user_id>', '<group_id>', '<role_id>');

Impersonation Functionality

Admins can impersonate other users for administrative purposes:

-- Login as another user (requires postgres role)
CALL keyhippo_impersonation.login_as_user('<user_id>');

-- Perform actions as the impersonated user

-- Logout of impersonation
CALL keyhippo_impersonation.logout();


API Key Mechanism

KeyHippo generates API keys using high-entropy random data. API keys are not stored in plaintext; only their hashes are stored in the database. Even if the database is compromised, the API keys cannot be reconstructed.

Key Points:

  • Unique Key Generation: Each API key is generated using secure random data to ensure uniqueness.
  • No Plaintext Storage: Only the hash of the key component is stored; the plaintext key is available only upon creation.
  • Prefix Usage: A prefix identifies keys without exposing the full key.
  • Secure Verification: API keys are verified by hashing the provided key component and comparing it to the stored hash.

API Key Creation Process:

    participant U as User
    participant DB as Database
    U->>DB: Call keyhippo.create_api_key(description, scope)
    DB->>DB: Generate random data
    DB->>DB: Create new API key (prefix + key)
    DB->>DB: Hash the key component and store in keyhippo.api_key_secrets
    DB->>DB: Store metadata in keyhippo.api_key_metadata
    DB-->>U: Return the full API key (prefix + key)


Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

KeyHippo provides an RBAC system, allowing you to define groups, roles, and permissions. This system integrates with Supabase's RLS policies, enabling fine-grained access control over your application's resources.

RBAC Components

  • Groups: Logical grouping of users.
  • Roles: Assigned to users within groups, defining their role type ('admin', 'user').
  • Permissions: Specific actions that can be granted to roles.
  • Role Permissions: Association between roles and permissions.
  • User Group Roles: Association between users, groups, and roles.


KeyHippo offers impersonation functionality for administrators. This allows admins to act on behalf of other users, useful for troubleshooting and support tasks.

Impersonation Process

  • Login as User: Use keyhippo_impersonation.login_as_user(user_id) to impersonate a user.
  • Session Management: The impersonation session is tracked, and the original role is stored.
  • Logout: End the impersonation session with keyhippo_impersonation.logout().

Integration with RLS

KeyHippo's authentication and authorization integrate with Supabase's Row Level Security policies. Use the keyhippo.current_user_context() function to retrieve the current user's ID, scope, and permissions within your RLS policies.

Example RLS Policy:

CREATE POLICY "user_can_view_own_data" ON "public"."user_data"
    keyhippo.current_user_context().user_id = user_data.user_id
    AND keyhippo.authorize('view_data')

Star History

Star History Chart


We welcome community contributions. For guidance, see our Contributing Guide.


KeyHippo is distributed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

Support Channels

For technical issues or feature requests, open an issue on our GitHub repository.

For commercial support options, visit