#copyright Intel
This plugin is similar to the HTML5 range input, but works great on mobile devices
- Call $(container).range({opts})
<div id="slider2" class="slider"></div>
There are different configuration options you can pass in.
min:1, //Minimum value for the range slider
max:100, //Maximum value for the range slider
value:0, //initial starting value
rangeClass:"range", //CSS class for range div
pointerClass:"pointer", //CSS class for the bubble/circle on the range
sliderClass:"slider",//CSS class for the slider in general
rangeFillClass:"rangefill", //CSS class for the range as it gets filled
bubbleClass:"rangeBubble", //CSS class for the bubble that appears on top with the value in it
stepFunc:function(){},//Function that gets executed every step when the range gets moved
Please use github to report any bugs found. Please provide the following
Any error messages from the console
Line numbers of offending code
Test cases
Description of the Error
Expected result
Browser/Device you are testing on
Licensed under the terms of the MIT License, see the included license.txt file.