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[Snyk] Security upgrade web3 from 1.7.3 to 4.0.1 #1534

wants to merge 1 commit into
base: main
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Snyk has created this PR to fix 1 vulnerabilities in the yarn dependencies of this project.

Snyk changed the following file(s):

  • package.json
  • yarn.lock

Note for zero-installs users

If you are using the Yarn feature zero-installs that was introduced in Yarn V2, note that this PR does not update the .yarn/cache/ directory meaning this code cannot be pulled and immediately developed on as one would expect for a zero-install project - you will need to run yarn to update the contents of the ./yarn/cache directory.
If you are not using zero-install you can ignore this as your flow should likely be unchanged.

Vulnerabilities that will be fixed with an upgrade:

Issue Score
medium severity Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)


  • Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.
  • Max score is 1000. Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.
  • This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.

Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

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Learn how to fix vulnerabilities with free interactive lessons:

🦉 Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

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yarn.lock changes


Status Count
Click to toggle table visibility
Name Status Previous Current
@adraffy/ens-normalize ADDED - 1.10.1
@ethereumjs/common REMOVED 2.6.0 -
@ethereumjs/rlp ADDED - 5.0.2
@ethereumjs/tx REMOVED 3.4.0 -
@noble/curves ADDED - 1.4.2
@noble/hashes ADDED - 1.4.0
@scure/base ADDED - 1.1.8
@scure/bip32 ADDED - 1.4.0
@scure/bip39 ADDED - 1.3.0
@sindresorhus/is REMOVED 0.14.0 -
@szmarczak/http-timer REMOVED 1.1.2 -
@types/bn.js DOWNGRADED 5.1.0 4.11.6
@types/ws ADDED - 8.5.3
abitype ADDED - 0.7.1
accepts REMOVED 1.3.7 -
array-flatten REMOVED 1.1.1 -
asn1 REMOVED 0.2.6 -
asn1.js REMOVED 5.4.1 -
assert-plus REMOVED 1.0.0 -
async-limiter REMOVED 1.0.1 -
aws-sign2 REMOVED 0.7.0 -
aws4 REMOVED 1.11.0 -
bcrypt-pbkdf REMOVED 1.0.2 -
bignumber.js REMOVED 9.0.2 -
bluebird REMOVED 3.7.2 -
body-parser REMOVED 1.19.1 -
browserify-cipher REMOVED 1.0.1 -
browserify-des REMOVED 1.0.2 -
browserify-rsa REMOVED 4.1.0 -
browserify-sign REMOVED 4.2.1 -
buffer-to-arraybuffer REMOVED 0.0.5 -
bytes REMOVED 3.1.1 -
cacheable-request REMOVED 6.1.0 -
caseless REMOVED 0.12.0 -
cids REMOVED 0.7.5 -
clone-response REMOVED 1.0.2 -
content-disposition REMOVED 0.5.4 -
content-hash REMOVED 2.5.2 -
content-type REMOVED 1.0.4 -
cookie-signature REMOVED 1.0.6 -
cookiejar REMOVED 2.1.3 -
core-util-is UPDATED 1.0.2 1.0.3
cors REMOVED 2.8.5 -
crc-32 UPDATED 1.2.0 1.2.2
create-ecdh REMOVED 4.0.4 -
cross-fetch UPDATED 3.1.5 4.0.0
crypto-browserify REMOVED 3.12.0 -
d REMOVED 1.0.1 -
dashdash REMOVED 1.14.1 -
decode-uri-component REMOVED 0.2.0 -
defer-to-connect REMOVED 1.1.3 -
depd REMOVED 1.1.2 -
des.js REMOVED 1.0.1 -
destroy REMOVED 1.0.4 -
diffie-hellman REMOVED 5.0.3 -
dom-walk REMOVED 0.1.2 -
duplexer3 REMOVED 0.1.4 -
ecc-jsbn REMOVED 0.1.2 -
ee-first REMOVED 1.1.1 -
encodeurl REMOVED 1.0.2 -
es5-ext REMOVED 0.10.53 -
es6-iterator REMOVED 2.0.3 -
es6-symbol REMOVED 3.1.3 -
etag REMOVED 1.8.1 -
eth-ens-namehash REMOVED 2.0.8 -
eth-lib REMOVED 0.2.8 -
ethereum-bloom-filters REMOVED 1.0.10 -
ethereum-cryptography UPDATED 0.1.3 2.2.1
ethereumjs-util DOWNGRADED 7.1.3 6.2.1
ethjs-unit REMOVED 0.1.6 -
eventemitter3 UPDATED 4.0.4 5.0.1
exit-on-epipe REMOVED 1.0.1 -
express REMOVED 4.17.2 -
ext REMOVED 1.6.0 -
extend REMOVED 3.0.2 -
extsprintf REMOVED 1.3.0 -
finalhandler REMOVED 1.1.2 -
forever-agent REMOVED 0.6.1 -
forwarded REMOVED 0.2.0 -
fresh REMOVED 0.5.2 -
fs-minipass REMOVED 1.2.7 -
getpass REMOVED 0.1.7 -
global REMOVED 4.4.0 -
got REMOVED 9.6.0 -
har-schema REMOVED 2.0.0 -
har-validator REMOVED 5.1.5 -
has-symbol-support-x REMOVED 1.4.2 -
has-to-string-tag-x REMOVED 1.4.1 -
http-cache-semantics REMOVED 4.1.0 -
http-errors REMOVED 1.8.1 -
http-https REMOVED 1.0.0 -
http-signature REMOVED 1.2.0 -
idna-uts46-hx REMOVED 2.3.1 -
is-function REMOVED 1.0.2 -
is-object REMOVED 1.0.2 -
is-retry-allowed REMOVED 1.2.0 -
is-typedarray REMOVED 1.0.0 -
isomorphic-ws ADDED - 5.0.0
isstream REMOVED 0.1.2 -
isurl REMOVED 1.0.0 -
jsbn REMOVED 0.1.1 -
json-buffer REMOVED 3.0.0 -
json-stringify-safe REMOVED 5.0.1 -
jsprim REMOVED 1.4.2 -
keyv REMOVED 3.1.0 -
lowercase-keys REMOVED 2.0.0 -
media-typer REMOVED 0.3.0 -
merge-descriptors REMOVED 1.0.1 -
methods REMOVED 1.1.2 -
miller-rabin REMOVED 4.0.1 -
min-document REMOVED 2.19.0 -
minipass REMOVED 2.9.0 -
minizlib REMOVED 1.3.3 -
mkdirp REMOVED 0.5.5 -
mkdirp-promise REMOVED 5.0.1 -
mock-fs REMOVED 4.14.0 -
ms DOWNGRADED 2.1.3 2.1.2
multibase REMOVED 0.7.0 -
multicodec REMOVED 1.0.4 -
multihashes REMOVED 0.4.21 -
nano-json-stream-parser REMOVED 0.1.2 -
negotiator REMOVED 0.6.2 -
next-tick REMOVED 1.0.0 -
normalize-url REMOVED 4.5.1 -
number-to-bn REMOVED 1.7.0 -
oauth-sign REMOVED 0.9.0 -
oboe REMOVED 2.1.5 -
on-finished REMOVED 2.3.0 -
p-cancelable REMOVED 1.1.0 -
p-finally REMOVED 1.0.0 -
p-timeout REMOVED 1.2.1 -
parse-asn1 REMOVED 5.1.6 -
parse-headers REMOVED 2.0.4 -
parseurl REMOVED 1.3.3 -
path-to-regexp REMOVED 0.1.7 -
performance-now REMOVED 2.1.0 -
prepend-http REMOVED 2.0.0 -
printj REMOVED 1.1.2 -
process REMOVED 0.11.10 -
proxy-addr REMOVED 2.0.7 -
public-encrypt REMOVED 4.0.3 -
qs REMOVED 6.9.6 -
query-string REMOVED 5.1.1 -
randomfill REMOVED 1.0.4 -
raw-body REMOVED 2.4.2 -
request REMOVED 2.88.2 -
responselike REMOVED 1.0.2 -
send REMOVED 0.17.2 -
serve-static REMOVED 1.14.2 -
servify REMOVED 0.1.12 -
setprototypeof REMOVED 1.2.0 -
sshpk REMOVED 1.17.0 -
statuses REMOVED 1.5.0 -
strict-uri-encode REMOVED 1.1.0 -
swarm-js REMOVED 0.1.40 -
tar REMOVED 4.4.19 -
timed-out REMOVED 4.0.1 -
to-readable-stream REMOVED 1.0.0 -
toidentifier REMOVED 1.0.1 -
type REMOVED 2.5.0 -
type-is REMOVED 1.6.18 -
typedarray-to-buffer REMOVED 3.1.5 -
ultron REMOVED 1.1.1 -
unpipe REMOVED 1.0.0 -
url-parse-lax REMOVED 3.0.0 -
url-set-query REMOVED 1.0.0 -
url-to-options REMOVED 1.0.1 -
utf8 REMOVED 3.0.0 -
utils-merge REMOVED 1.0.1 -
vary REMOVED 1.1.2 -
verror REMOVED 1.10.0 -
web3 UPDATED 1.7.3 4.12.1
web3-bzz REMOVED 1.7.3 -
web3-core UPDATED 1.7.3 4.5.1
web3-core-helpers REMOVED 1.7.3 -
web3-core-method REMOVED 1.7.3 -
web3-core-promievent REMOVED 1.7.3 -
web3-core-requestmanager REMOVED 1.7.3 -
web3-core-subscriptions REMOVED 1.7.3 -
web3-errors ADDED - 1.3.0
web3-eth UPDATED 1.7.3 4.8.2
web3-eth-abi UPDATED 1.7.3 4.2.3
web3-eth-accounts UPDATED 1.7.3 4.2.1
web3-eth-contract UPDATED 1.7.3 4.7.0
web3-eth-ens UPDATED 1.7.3 4.4.0
web3-eth-iban UPDATED 1.7.3 4.0.7
web3-eth-personal UPDATED 1.7.3 4.0.8
web3-net UPDATED 1.7.3 4.1.0
web3-providers-http UPDATED 1.7.3 4.2.0
web3-providers-ipc UPDATED 1.7.3 4.0.7
web3-providers-ws UPDATED 1.7.3 4.0.8
web3-rpc-methods ADDED - 1.3.0
web3-rpc-providers ADDED - 1.0.0-rc.2
web3-shh REMOVED 1.7.3 -
web3-types ADDED - 1.7.0
web3-utils UPDATED 1.7.3 4.3.1
web3-validator ADDED - 2.0.6
websocket REMOVED 1.0.34 -
ws UPDATED 8.9.0 8.18.0
xhr REMOVED 2.6.0 -
xhr-request REMOVED 1.1.0 -
xhr-request-promise REMOVED 0.1.3 -
xhr2-cookies REMOVED 1.1.0 -
yaeti REMOVED 0.0.6 -
zod ADDED - 3.23.8

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Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

2 participants