- crapi lets you
a crowdfunding data set consisting of 69,294 projects - currently names and urls are the only supported data points
- data is organized around platforms (kickstarter and indiegogo currently)
- each platform is a json where keys correspond to project names and values to project urls
npm install crapi
find out the number of kickstarter and indiegogo projects
var crapi = require('crapi');
console.log('kickstarter '+Object.keys(crapi.kickstarter).length); // kickstarter 61356
console.log('indiegogo '+Object.keys(crapi.indiegogo).length); // indiegogo 7785
log all kickstarter projects to the console
var crapi = require('crapi');
var projects = crapi.kickstarter;
for(var i in projects) {
console.log(i+': '+projects[i]); // 61356 lines of utf-8
fetch a project url by name
var crapi = require('crapi');
var oculus = crapi.kickstarter['oculus-rift-step-into-the-game'];
// http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1523379957/oculus-rift-step-into-the-game
npm install kickstarter-crawler
kickstarter-crawler is a module that fetches data when given a kickstarter url
let's find out who created the philosophy posters kickstarter project and where it's from
var crapi = require('crapi');
var ks = require('kickstarter-crawler');
var opts = {
url: crapi.kickstarter['philosophy-posters'] // url param for project
var project = new ks.project(options); // create a new instance of project
project.getCreator().getCity(function(err, data) { // fetch data
if(err) throw err;
{ general_creator: 'Max Temkin',
location_city: 'chicago' }