Releases: intersel/jamrules
Releases · intersel/jamrules
Version 2.5.1 Fixes on start/stop processing calls
Version 2.5.0 -
Carefull : change in the name of selectConfigurationPropertyValue that is now named checkConfigurationPropertyValue
Refactoring of the configurator function names in order to correspond to the UX objects checkbox/radio/select options...
selectConfigurationPropertyValue: select a value as a radio would do (unselecting other values)
checkConfigurationPropertyValue: set a value as a checkbox would do
resetConfigurationPropertyValues: reset all values of a property
add startProcessing and stopProcessing functions
V2.3.0 Jamrules
- add MatchPropertySearch test with wildcard
- add resetConfigurationProperty
- add '*' as a property value to match any value of a property of the configurator
some new useful features
- adding new objects is simplified
- possibility to define matching rule functions
V2.0.0 readme
some patches
1.1.1 patch example
new testing functions for matching...
- new testing functions available for the matching rules
- possibility to create personal testing functions
- some bug fixes
First official version :-)
V1.0.0 fix