Replace Arabic numbers with Persian numbers
$res = PersianChar::ar_numbers('۱۲۳۴1234١٢٣٤')
// ۱۲۳۴1234۱۲۳۴
Replace English numbers with Persian numbers
$res = PersianChar::en_numbers('۱۲۳۴1234١٢٣٤')
// ۱۲۳۴۱۲۳۴١٢٣٤
Replace both Arabic and English numbers with Persian numbers
$res = PersianChar::numbers('۱۲۳۴1234١٢٣٤')
// ۱۲۳۴۱۲۳۴۱۲۳۴
Replace none Persian character with Persian character. This method covers most character in Arabic character table.
$res = PersianChar::letters('ؠک مټن تﺴت')
// یک متن تست
Note that this method will also remove non printable characters like U+200F
php composer.phar require intuxicated/persian-text '~1.0@dev'
git clone
Remove namespace Intuxicated\PersianChar;
if your code doesn't support php namespace