An android application that lets you find recipes based on what's in your fridge, freezer, or cupboards!
- Add ingredients wich are presents in your fridge, freezer, or cupboards
- Find recipes and see how many ingredients are matching with
- Save your favorites recipes
- Share your cooking tips or photos of your creations with the Freezdge community
Creamery, fruit and vegetables, groceries, fish, meat
All ingredients in your freezdge ! Also, automatic grocery list is generated when you choose recipes as favorites!
Share tips or culinary photo with the community !
- Android Support Library
- Android Architecture Components
- Gson
- Retrofit
- FastAdapter
- Cloud Firestore
- Firebase Authentification
- Cloud Storage
- Objectbox
- Permissions Dispatchers
- Glide
- Lottie
- Shimmer
- Espresso
- Robolectric
- Crashlytics
- Edamam
- Kotlin
Alexandra Gnimadi
Copyright 2020 Alexandra Gnimadi