Flask-SSO v0.3.0
Flask-SSO v0.3.0 was released on July 30, 2015.
Flask-SSO is a Flask extension permitting to set up Shibboleth
Single-Sign-On authentication in Flask based web applications.
What's new
- The Flask-SSO extension is now released under more permissive
Revised BSD License. (#6) - For testing execute run-tests.sh instead of sourcing it. (#4)
- New minimal application example. (#8)
- New Tox support for Python-3.4. (#4)
$ pip install flask-sso==0.3.0
Happy hacking and thanks for flying Flask-SSO.
| Invenio Development Team
| Email: [email protected]
| IRC: #invenio on irc.freenode.net
| Twitter: http://twitter.com/inveniosoftware
| GitHub: https://github.com/inveniosoftware/flask-sso
| URL: http://invenio-software.org