0.12.0 (2021-01-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Consolidate docker images used #502
- Add PHP 8.0 support #496
- Use a file based opcache for CLI tasks in production mode #495
- Add composer 2.0 support #492
- Enable opcache for CLI in console #16
- Configure php-fpm's opcache settings #15
- Use PHP 8.0 for no-framework and symfony #506 (kierenevans)
- Add Composer 2.0 Support #505 (kierenevans)
- Consolidate docker images used #503 (kierenevans)
- Improve instructions for harness upgrades #501 (kierenevans)
- Configure file based opcache for cli #499 (kierenevans)
- Use authoritative classmap for composer #497 (kierenevans)
- Raise opcache settings for Magento 1, Magento 2 and Spryker #494 (kierenevans)
- Fix magento2 strip config #490 (kierenevans)
- Change application.yml.dist deprecation to twig comment #486 (andytson-inviqa)
- Clean exit if there is a failure to parse docker-compose config #485 (andytson-inviqa)
- Update external-images CI pull to skip pulling images locally existing #483 (andytson-inviqa)
- Trust workspace or pipeline host for drupal #482 (kierenevans)
- Add standard k8s/helm labels #481 (andytson-inviqa)
Fixed bugs:
- Use correct distribution for akeneo db fixtures. #522 (andytson-inviqa)
- Increase shutdown timeout to 2 minutes from 10 seconds #516 (kierenevans)
- Make Jenkins env vars configurable and disable CSRF #514 (andytson-inviqa)
- Override zed session cookie domain from zed.de.suite.local #511 (kierenevans)
- Fix static content deploy for admin theme #510 (kierenevans)
- Fix setup:static-content:deploy before 2.4.1 #507 (kierenevans)
- Fix 'ws switch docker-sync' #504 (kierenevans)
- Fix drupal8 site:install command #498 (kierenevans)
- Fix external-images pull locally #489 (kierenevans)
- Fix akeneo build #488 (kierenevans)
- Skip php-fpm (unless cron enabled) and nginx being built in CI if webapp disabled #487 (andytson-inviqa)
Security fixes:
- Update Jenkins docker image to supported latest lts #509 (andytson-inviqa)
Closed issues: