script to automate installation of arch + deps
- dockerfile
- puppet
- bash script
chrome specific keybinds? (script to bind custom commands to chrome shortcuts?). alternative: create own chrome extension to do this
custom homepage
- Notifications (email, scrapers)
- time + date
- Local Weather
- Gcal week
- Nice art / background / quote (momentum inspired)
- Try out fancy css stuff
- make this into an OS project?
add fonts
move all folder paths to a centralized config
download bg from google-drive instead of including in repo
irc client... tiny?
tmux theme
dunst configuration
zsh -> move to fish
i3 -> sway (can also get rid of compton)
lemonbar (?)
Image utilities
- YT/twitter video to gif
- backup screenshots to google drive
- reverse image search using tineye
- image compression
Chrome -> chromium
script to install extensions / themes
compton -> picom?
- compton
- zsh + oh my zsh
- alacritty
- i3