This is a fork of KeePassPHP.
- Refactor the project to use PSR-4 Autoloading
- Implement the handling of Binary (attachments in KeePass) in Meta, as well as references in Entry tags.
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
use KeePassPHP\KeePassPHP;
use KeePassPHP\Key\CompositeKey;
use KeePassPHP\Lib\Database;
$file = '/path/to/your/file.kdbx';
$secret = 'YouKdbxPassword';
//Store any error messages
$err = '';
//Create a composite key
$ckey = new CompositeKey();
//Attach the password key
$ckey->addKey( KeePassPHP::keyFromPassword( $secret ) );
//Open the databsae file
/** @var Database $db */
$db = KeePassPHP::openDatabaseFile($file, $ckey, $err);
//Iterate the list of binaries
foreach($db->getBinaries() as $binary) {
echo $binary->getContent() ."\r\n---\r\n";