The new release embeds the modifications made in the previous months as a result of the acceptance of The Open Source Fortress in three events: SCaLE 21x, AppSec Village (as part of DEF CON), and Opportunity Open Source Conference.
The changes gravitate around the following categories:
Sand Castle
- Adds new XSS, [C/S]RF vulnerabilities
- Updates and fixes the Docker Compose infrastructure
- Replaces the old "Ubuntu Portrait" name used for the vulnerable solution
- Adds a new page with instructions for finishing the workshop
- Adds an expert mode for hiding/showing content for advanced people following the workshop
- Adds recommendations of talks for each vulnerability detection technique
- Updates to Docusaurus 3.4
- Adds a plugin for zooming images
- Adds new slides used in events: SCaLE 21x, AppSec Village (as part of DEF CON), and Opportunity Open Source Conference