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Fix and simplify rewards tests
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muXxer committed May 15, 2024
1 parent 05e4c39 commit 18c057c
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Showing 3 changed files with 124 additions and 86 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tools/docker-network/tests/api_core_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ func Test_ValidatorsAPI(t *testing.T) {
// create a new wait group for the next step
var wg sync.WaitGroup

// create accounts with staking feature and issue candidacy payload
// create accounts with staking feature
for i := range validatorCount {

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions tools/docker-network/tests/dockertestframework/awaits.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ func (d *DockerTestFramework) AwaitTransactionFailure(ctx context.Context, txID
func (d *DockerTestFramework) AwaitCommitment(targetSlot iotago.SlotIndex) {
currentCommittedSlot := d.NodeStatus("V1").LatestCommitmentID.Slot()

if targetSlot <= currentCommittedSlot {

// we wait at max "targetSlot - currentCommittedSlot" times * slot duration
deadline := time.Duration(d.defaultWallet.Client.CommittedAPI().ProtocolParameters().SlotDurationInSeconds()) * time.Second
if currentCommittedSlot < targetSlot {
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204 changes: 119 additions & 85 deletions tools/docker-network/tests/rewards_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import (
// Test_ValidatorRewards tests the rewards for a validator.
// 1. Create 2 accounts with staking feature.
// 2. Issue candidacy payloads for the accounts and wait until the accounts is in the committee.
// 3. One of the account issues 3 validation blocks per slot, the other account issues 1 validation block per slot until claiming slot is reached.
// 3. One of the account issues 5 validation blocks per slot, the other account issues 1 validation block per slot until claiming slot is reached.
// 4. Claim rewards and check if the mana increased as expected, the account that issued less validation blocks should have less mana.
func Test_ValidatorRewards(t *testing.T) {
d := dockertestframework.NewDockerTestFramework(t,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,87 +51,91 @@ func Test_ValidatorRewards(t *testing.T) {

clt := d.DefaultWallet().Client
slotsDuration := clt.CommittedAPI().ProtocolParameters().SlotDurationInSeconds()

// create good account
goodWallet, goodAccountOutputData := d.CreateImplicitAccount(ctx)
// create two implicit accounts for "good" and "lazy" validator
validatorCount := 2
implicitAccounts := d.CreateImplicitAccounts(ctx, validatorCount)

blockIssuance, err := clt.BlockIssuance(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)

latestCommitmentSlot := blockIssuance.LatestCommitment.Slot
stakingStartEpoch := d.DefaultWallet().StakingStartEpochFromSlot(latestCommitmentSlot)
// Set end epoch so the staking feature can be removed as soon as possible.
goodEndEpoch := stakingStartEpoch + clt.CommittedAPI().ProtocolParameters().StakingUnbondingPeriod()

goodAccountData := d.CreateAccountFromImplicitAccount(goodWallet,
dockertestframework.WithStakingFeature(100, 1, stakingStartEpoch, goodEndEpoch),

initialMana := goodAccountData.Output.StoredMana()
// we want to start staking as soon as possible, but we also add another epoch as a buffer in case we miss the staking start epoch
// to do the candidacy announcement because of the time it takes to create the account.
stakingStartEpoch := d.DefaultWallet().StakingStartEpochFromSlot(latestCommitmentSlot) + 1

// create lazy account
lazyWallet, lazyAccountOutputData := d.CreateImplicitAccount(ctx)
// we want to claim the rewards as soon as possible
stakingEndEpoch := stakingStartEpoch + clt.CommittedAPI().ProtocolParameters().StakingUnbondingPeriod()

blockIssuance, err = clt.BlockIssuance(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// create accounts with staking feature for the validators
var wg sync.WaitGroup
validators := make([]*mock.AccountWithWallet, validatorCount)
for i := range validatorCount {

go func(validatorNr int) {
defer wg.Done()

// create account with staking feature for every validator
validators[validatorNr] = d.CreateAccountFromImplicitAccount(implicitAccounts[validatorNr],
dockertestframework.WithStakingFeature(100, 1, stakingStartEpoch, stakingEndEpoch),

latestCommitmentSlot = blockIssuance.LatestCommitment.Slot
stakingStartEpoch = d.DefaultWallet().StakingStartEpochFromSlot(latestCommitmentSlot)
lazyEndEpoch := stakingStartEpoch + clt.CommittedAPI().ProtocolParameters().StakingUnbondingPeriod()
lazyClaimingSlot := clt.CommittedAPI().TimeProvider().EpochStart(lazyEndEpoch + 1)
goodValidator := validators[0]
lazyValidator := validators[1]

lazyAccountData := d.CreateAccountFromImplicitAccount(lazyWallet,
dockertestframework.WithStakingFeature(100, 1, stakingStartEpoch, lazyEndEpoch),
goodValidatorInitialMana := goodValidator.Account().Output.StoredMana()
lazyValidatorInitialMana := lazyValidator.Account().Output.StoredMana()

lazyInitialMana := lazyAccountData.Output.StoredMana()
// issue candidacy payloads for the validators in the background
for _, validator := range validators {
// we don't need to issue candidacy payloads for the last epoch

// make sure the account is in the committee, so it can issue validation blocks
goodAccountAddrBech32 := goodAccountData.Address.Bech32(clt.CommittedAPI().ProtocolParameters().Bech32HRP())
lazyAccountAddrBech32 := lazyAccountData.Address.Bech32(clt.CommittedAPI().ProtocolParameters().Bech32HRP())
d.AssertCommittee(stakingStartEpoch+1, append(d.AccountsFromNodes(d.Nodes("V1", "V3", "V2", "V4")...), goodAccountAddrBech32, lazyAccountAddrBech32))
goodValidatorAddrBech32 := goodValidator.Account().Address.Bech32(clt.CommittedAPI().ProtocolParameters().Bech32HRP())
lazyValidatorAddrBech32 := lazyValidator.Account().Address.Bech32(clt.CommittedAPI().ProtocolParameters().Bech32HRP())
d.AssertCommittee(stakingStartEpoch+1, append(d.AccountsFromNodes(d.Nodes("V1", "V3", "V2", "V4")...), goodValidatorAddrBech32, lazyValidatorAddrBech32))

// create a new wait group for the next step
wg = sync.WaitGroup{}

// issue validation blocks to have performance
currentSlot := clt.CommittedAPI().TimeProvider().CurrentSlot()
slotToWait := lazyClaimingSlot - currentSlot
secToWait := time.Duration(slotToWait) * time.Duration(slotsDuration) * time.Second
fmt.Println("Issue validation blocks, wait for ", secToWait, "until expected slot: ", lazyClaimingSlot)
validationBlocksEndSlot := clt.CommittedAPI().TimeProvider().EpochEnd(stakingEndEpoch)
secondsToWait := time.Duration(validationBlocksEndSlot-currentSlot) * time.Duration(clt.CommittedAPI().ProtocolParameters().SlotDurationInSeconds()) * time.Second
fmt.Println("Issuing validation blocks, wait for ", secondsToWait, "until expected slot: ", validationBlocksEndSlot)

var wg sync.WaitGroup
issueValidationBlockInBackground(ctx, &wg, goodWallet, currentSlot, clt.CommittedAPI().TimeProvider().EpochEnd(goodEndEpoch), 5)
issueValidationBlockInBackground(ctx, &wg, lazyWallet, currentSlot, clt.CommittedAPI().TimeProvider().EpochEnd(lazyEndEpoch), 1)
issueValidationBlocksInBackground(ctx, d, &wg, goodValidator.Wallet(), currentSlot, validationBlocksEndSlot, 5)
issueValidationBlocksInBackground(ctx, d, &wg, lazyValidator.Wallet(), currentSlot, validationBlocksEndSlot, 1)

// wait until all validation blocks are issued

// claim rewards that put to the account output
d.ClaimRewardsForValidator(ctx, goodWallet)
d.ClaimRewardsForValidator(ctx, lazyWallet)
d.ClaimRewardsForValidator(ctx, goodValidator.Wallet())
d.ClaimRewardsForValidator(ctx, lazyValidator.Wallet())

// check if the mana increased as expected
goodWalletAccountOutput := goodWallet.BlockIssuer.AccountData.Output
require.Greater(t, goodWalletAccountOutput.StoredMana(), initialMana)
goodValidatorFinalMana := goodValidator.Account().Output.StoredMana()
lazyValidatorFinalMana := lazyValidator.Account().Output.StoredMana()

lazyWalletAccountOutput := lazyWallet.BlockIssuer.AccountData.Output
require.Greater(t, lazyWalletAccountOutput.StoredMana(), lazyInitialMana)
require.Greater(t, goodValidatorFinalMana, goodValidatorInitialMana)
require.Greater(t, lazyValidatorFinalMana, lazyValidatorInitialMana)

// account that issued more validation blocks should have more mana
require.Greater(t, goodWalletAccountOutput.StoredMana(), lazyWalletAccountOutput.StoredMana())
require.Greater(t, goodValidatorFinalMana, lazyValidatorFinalMana)

// Test_DelegatorRewards tests the rewards for a delegator.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,60 +285,90 @@ func Test_DelayedClaimingRewards(t *testing.T) {

func issueCandidacyPayloadInBackground(ctx context.Context, d *dockertestframework.DockerTestFramework, wallet *mock.Wallet, startSlot, endSlot iotago.SlotIndex) {
// issue candidacy announcements for the account in the background, one per epoch
func issueCandidacyAnnouncementsInBackground(ctx context.Context, d *dockertestframework.DockerTestFramework, wallet *mock.Wallet, epochStart iotago.EpochIndex, epochEnd iotago.EpochIndex) {
go func() {
fmt.Println("Issuing candidacy payloads for account", wallet.BlockIssuer.AccountData.ID, "in the background...")
defer fmt.Println("Issuing candidacy payloads for account", wallet.BlockIssuer.AccountData.ID, "in the background... done!")
fmt.Println("Issuing candidacy announcements for account", wallet.BlockIssuer.AccountData.ID, "in the background...")
defer fmt.Println("Issuing candidacy announcements for account", wallet.BlockIssuer.AccountData.ID, "in the background... done!")

for i := startSlot; i < endSlot; i++ {
// wait until the slot is reached
for {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
// context is canceled
for epoch := epochStart; epoch <= epochEnd; epoch++ {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
// context is canceled

if wallet.CurrentSlot() == i {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
// wait until the epoch start is reached
if ctx.Err() != nil {
// context is canceled

d.IssueCandidacyPayloadFromAccount(ctx, wallet)
fmt.Println("Issuing candidacy payload for account", wallet.BlockIssuer.AccountData.ID, "in epoch", epoch, "...")
committedAPI := d.DefaultWallet().Client.CommittedAPI()

// check if we are still in the epoch
currentCommittedSlot := d.NodeStatus("V1").LatestCommitmentID.Slot()
currentEpoch := committedAPI.TimeProvider().EpochFromSlot(currentCommittedSlot)

require.Equal(d.Testing, epoch, currentEpoch, "epoch mismatch")

// the candidacy announcement needs to be done before the nearing threshold
epochEndSlot := committedAPI.TimeProvider().EpochEnd(epoch)
maxRegistrationSlot := epochEndSlot - committedAPI.ProtocolParameters().EpochNearingThreshold()

candidacyBlockID := d.IssueCandidacyPayloadFromAccount(ctx, wallet)
require.LessOrEqualf(d.Testing, candidacyBlockID.Slot(), maxRegistrationSlot, "candidacy announcement block slot is greater than max registration slot for the empoch (%d>%d)", candidacyBlockID.Slot(), maxRegistrationSlot)

func issueValidationBlockInBackground(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup, wallet *mock.Wallet, startSlot, endSlot iotago.SlotIndex, blocksPerSlot int) {
// issue validation blocks for the account in the background, blocksPerSlot per slot with a cooldown between the blocks
func issueValidationBlocksInBackground(ctx context.Context, d *dockertestframework.DockerTestFramework, wg *sync.WaitGroup, wallet *mock.Wallet, startSlot, endSlot iotago.SlotIndex, blocksPerSlot int) {

go func() {
defer wg.Done()
fmt.Println("Issuing validation block for wallet", wallet.Name, "in the background...")
defer fmt.Println("Issuing validation block for wallet", wallet.Name, "in the background... done!")

for i := startSlot; i < endSlot; i++ {
fmt.Println("Issuing validation blocks for wallet", wallet.Name, "in the background...")
defer fmt.Println("Issuing validation blocks for wallet", wallet.Name, "in the background... done!")

validationBlockCooldown := time.Duration(d.DefaultWallet().Client.CommittedAPI().ProtocolParameters().SlotDurationInSeconds()) * time.Second / time.Duration(blocksPerSlot)

for slot := startSlot; slot <= endSlot; slot++ {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
// context is canceled

// wait until the slot is reached
for {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
// context is canceled
if ctx.Err() != nil {
// context is canceled

if wallet.CurrentSlot() == i {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
// check if we are still in the slot
currentCommittedSlot := d.NodeStatus("V1").LatestCommitmentID.Slot()
if slot < currentCommittedSlot {
// slot is already committed, no need to issue validation blocks

for range blocksPerSlot {
ts := time.Now()
for validationBlockNr := range blocksPerSlot {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
// context is canceled

fmt.Println("Issuing validation block nr.", validationBlockNr, "for wallet", wallet.Name, "in slot", slot, "...")
wallet.CreateAndSubmitValidationBlock(ctx, "", nil)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

if validationBlockNr < blocksPerSlot-1 {
// wait until the next validation block can be issued
<-time.After(time.Until(ts.Add(time.Duration(validationBlockNr+1) * validationBlockCooldown)))
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