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SSH Keys for Github workflow CI Doxygen publication

Elie El Khoury edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 1 revision

In order for a GitHub Action running on one repository (i.e. iotivity-lite) to be able able to read from and write to another repository (i.e. iotivity-lite-doxygen), the following needs to be done:

Generate an SSH public/private key pair

Follow the instructions here under the header "Generating a new SSH key" (only follow the instructions under that header, do not continue further).

Important: Make sure there is no passphrase set on the key (so press enter when prompted for a password during the key pair generation).

Add the private and public keys to the relevant repositories

  1. Copy your newly generated public key (tip, use command clip < ~/.ssh/ to copy the key to the clipboard).
  2. Paste it as a Deploy Key in the repository that the GitHub Action will be accessing from (i.e. iotivity-lite-doxygen). Instructions on how to do this can be found here.
  3. Copy your newly generated private key.
  4. Paste it as a Secret in the repository triggering the GitHub Action (i.e. iotivity-lite). Instructions on how to do this can be found here.