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Working with microcontrollers

Chris edited this page Jan 26, 2018 · 8 revisions


Arduino Notes

  • The total current amperage than can be drawn from an Arduino is 200mA, and it is best not to have more than 20mA going across each pin to power a device. see 🙈

General Notes

  • Arduino source files / programs are referred to as sketches sketches are generally saved in the below location

General Electronics


  • Logic level - is a set voltages at which a device communicates. A common logic level is 5V, and newer logic levels work at 3.3V and 1.8V
  • PWM Pulse Width Modulation - is used for Digital to Analog signal
    • PWM - Examples
      • the brightness of an LED
      • to vary the speed of the fan

Understanding digital resolution of an analog signal

digital resolution

Analog to Digital Converters


  • LED’s are directional the shorter pin goes to GND.