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fedebenelli committed Jan 31, 2024
1 parent a67a0e4 commit 31bf875
Showing 1 changed file with 56 additions and 32 deletions.
88 changes: 56 additions & 32 deletions app/main.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@

program main
use yaeos_constants, only: pr, R
use yaeos_substance, only: substances
use yaeos_models_ar_genericcubic, only: CubicEoS, GenericCubic_Ar

use yaeos, only: pr, R, Substances, AlphaSoave, CubicEoS, GenericCubic_Ar, fugacity_vt, fugacity_tp, vcalc
use yaeos, only: ArModel
use mixing, only: QMR
use alpha_soave, only: AlphaSoave
implicit none

type(Substances) :: compos
type(CubicEoS) :: eos
type(CubicEoS), target :: eos, eos2
type(AlphaSoave) :: alpha
type(QMR) :: mixrule

class(ArModel), pointer :: this

integer, parameter :: n=2
real(pr) :: z(n), b, dbi(n), dbij(n,n)
real(pr) :: v=1.0, t=150.0
real(pr) :: v=1.0, t=150.0, p

real(pr) :: ar
real(pr) :: art, arv, arv2, art2, artv
real(pr) :: arn(n), arvn(n), artn(n), arn2(n,n)
real(pr) :: lnfug(n), dlnphidp(n), dlnphidt(n), dlnphidn(n)

class(ArModel), allocatable :: models(:)

integer :: i

Expand All @@ -31,43 +31,67 @@ program main

alpha%k = 0.37464_pr + 1.54226_pr * compos%w - 0.26993_pr * compos%w**2

mixrule%k = reshape([0., 0.1, 0.1, 0.], [n,n])
mixrule%l = mixrule%k / 2
mixrule%k = reshape([0., 0.1, 0.1, 0.], [n,n]) * 0
mixrule%l = mixrule%k / 2 * 0

eos = set_eos(compos, alpha, mixrule)
eos2 = set_eos(compos, alpha, mixrule)

models = [eos, eos2]
this => eos
! do i=1,2
! print *, loc(models(i))
! call models(i)%residual_helmholtz(&
! z, v, t, ar, arv, art, artv, arv2, art2, arn, arvn, artn, arn2&
! )
! end do

call fugacity_vt(eos, &
z, V, T, P, lnfug, dlnPhidP, dlnphidT, dlnPhidn &

p = 1.0
call fugacity_tp(eos, &
z, T, P, V, 1, lnfug, dlnPhidP, dlnphidT, dlnPhidn &

do i=1,1e6
call GenericCubic_Ar(&
eos, z, v, t, ar, arv, art, artv, arv2, art2, arn, arvn, artn, arn2)
end do

print *, ar
print *, arv
print *, art
print *, artv
print *, arv2
print *, art2
print *, arn
print *, arvn
print *, artn
print *, arn2
type(CubicEoS) function set_eos(composition, alphafun, mixrule)
use yaeos_substance, only: Substances
use yaeos_models_ar_genericcubic, only: CubicEoS, AlphaFunction, CubicMixRule

class(Substances) :: composition
class(AlphaFunction) :: alphafun
class(CubicMixRule) :: mixrule

class(AlphaFunction), optional :: alphafun
class(CubicMixRule), optional :: mixrule

type(AlphaSoave) :: default_alphafun
type(QMR) :: default_mixrule

real(pr) :: k(size(composition%w))

integer :: i, nc

set_eos%ac = 0.45723553_pr * R**2 * composition%tc**2 / composition%pc
set_eos%b = 0.07779607_pr * R * composition%tc/composition%pc

set_eos%del1 = [1 + sqrt(2.0_pr)]
set_eos%del2 = [1 - sqrt(2.0_pr)]

set_eos%components = composition
set_eos%alpha = alphafun
set_eos%mixrule = mixrule

if (present(alphafun)) then
set_eos%alpha = alphafun
default_alphafun%k = 0.37464_pr + 1.54226_pr * compos%w - 0.26993_pr * compos%w**2
set_eos%alpha = default_alphafun
end if

if (present(mixrule)) then
set_eos%mixrule = mixrule
default_mixrule%k=reshape([(0._pr, i=1,n**2)],[nc,nc])
default_mixrule%l=reshape([(0._pr, i=1,n**2)],[nc,nc])
set_eos%mixrule = default_mixrule
end if
end function
end program

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