You should be able to log into AWS using the IAM user option on
Install workbench from here: On workbench, go Database > Connect to Database Insert into the Hostname Box Username and password are in slack. You should see two Schemas on the left, sys and titan
Run the following commands:
npm install
Install node version manager
npm i nvm
nvm install 10.24.1
nvm use 10.24.1
npm i sequelize
npm i mysql2
Follow this tutorial to set up Claudia:
Please run the commands for installing Claudia.js and installing as a project dependency.
Install AWS CLI
Open a new terminal to install it in the root of your local machine.
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install
Once is finished, the terminal will show a command sudo ./aws/install
press enter and introduce your password.
Check if AWS was installed correctly, run the following command:
aws --version
Keeping on the root
aws configure
Then insert the access keys.
- aws_access_key_id =
- aws_secret_access_key =
- Default region name [None]:
- Default output format [None]:
Ignore the profile section - the above will create a default profile which will be used automatically.
npm i -s dotenv