In this workshop we are going to work with a dataset used to calculate EDGE values and spatial approaches within the heath genus (Erica).
Data and part of the code come from Pirie et al. (2024).
EDGE2 calculations are based on code by R. Gumbs available in GitHub (
Some internal functions to clarify the process, stored in the “workshop_functions.R” script.
The first thing we have to do is to expand our Erica phylogeny to make it comprehend all the extant species. To do so, in this case we are going to explore the randtip package (Ramos-Gutiérrez et al., 2023).
First, we have to load our libraries and data to work with. Here we have an incomplete molecular phylogeny (just 555/901 taxa), and a complete list of them, along with some information, as can be their region, their Red List category, or if they are included in the tree or not.
# install_github("iramosgutierrez/randtip")
ericatree <- read.tree("files/Erica_incoplete.tre") # A sampled phylogeny
erica.table <- read.csv("files/ericatable.csv") #list of species & info
Once we have our taxa list, we can create randtip’s ‘info’ data frame. To do so, we use <- build_info(erica.table$taxa, ericatree, mode="list", =
For all species not included in the tree pertaining to the cape region, we define the clade to be bound as the clade in which all the rest of the cape species live (i.e. the clade defined between Erica pauciovulata and E. dregei)
cape2include <- erica.table$taxa[erica.table$region == "CAPE" & erica.table$incl==0]
capeincluded <- erica.table$taxa[erica.table$region == "CAPE" & erica.table$incl==1] <- edit_info(info =, taxa = cape2include, column = "taxon1", edit = "Erica_pauciovulata") <- edit_info(info =, taxa = cape2include, column = "taxon2", edit = "Erica_dregei")
Once we have our ‘info’ edited, we can wrap up and expand the phylogeny.
erica.input <- info2input(, ericatree, F)
ericatree.complete <- rand_tip(input = erica.input, ericatree, verbose = F)
plot.phylo(ericatree.complete, cex=0.6,tip.color = put_tip_col(ericatree.complete,ericatree, ) )
This process should be repeated 100-1000 times to integrate phylogenetic uncertainty into analyses.
This section has been performed following the EDGE2 protocol, developed in Gumbs et al. (2023).
To calculate EDGE scores, we need a data frame with all the species (which must be included in the phylo trees), along with their Red List assessment categories. Depending on them, a probability of extinction will be assigned to each species. DD and NE taxa will be sampled an extinction probability between 0 and 1.
GE2vals <- GE.2.calc(pext.vals)
erica.pext <- data.frame("species" = erica.table$taxa ,
"RL"= erica.table$,
"pext" = NA)
for(sp in erica.pext$species){
progressbar(which(erica.pext$species == sp), length(erica.pext$species))
cat.i <- erica.pext$RL[erica.pext$species==sp]
if(cat.i =="NE"){pext.i <- runif(1,0.0001, 0.9999)}else
if(cat.i =="EX"){cat.i =="CR"}else{
pext.i <- sample(GE2vals$pext[GE2vals$], size = 1)}
erica.pext$pext[erica.pext$species== sp] <- pext.i
erica.pext2 <- erica.pext
Using function ‘EDGE2_mod’ we obtain 3 objects: a data frame with individual values, a tree with internal probability of extinctions of each branch and a global value of PD and Expected PD Loss.
erica.edge <- EDGE2_mod(tree = ericatree.complete, pext = erica.pext2)
edgevalues <- erica.edge[[1]]
epdloss.trees <- erica.edge[[2]]
EricaPD <- erica.edge[[3]]
Once again, these calculations should be performed once for every tree to consider phylogenetic as well as extinction probability uncertainties.
This section will follow the studied aspects of EDGE shown in Pirie et al. (2024).
First we will need some new libraries. Additionally, we need a cleaned, curated occurrence dataset for all our taxa of interest.
erica <- read.csv(file = 'files/Erica_occ_cleaned.csv')
We have now to create a blank raster with the extent and resolution we want to use, and make some conversions to create also a spatial data frame.
r25<-raster(xmn=-35, xmx=60, ymn=-37, ymx=72,
crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ",
resolution=c(0.25,0.25), vals = NA)
erica2 <- erica
coordinates(erica2) <- ~x+y
proj4string(erica2)<- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
r <- rasterize(erica2, r25, field="taxon", fun=function(x,...) length(unique(na.omit(x))))
plot(r, col = 'red')
# Extract values into data frame
erica.sf <- st_as_sf(erica2)
erica.grid <- c()
for(i in 1:length(unique(erica.sf$taxon))){ # takes a couple minutes to run
progressbar(i, length(unique(erica.sf$taxon)))
cells <-, erica.sf[which(erica.sf$taxon==unique(erica.sf$taxon)[i]),], cellnumbers=T))
y<, erica.sf[which(erica.sf$taxon==unique(erica.sf$taxon)[i]),], cellnumbers =T))
y$taxon <- unique(erica.sf$taxon)[i]
y <- cbind(y, xyFromCell(r,y[,1]))
colnames(y)[4:5] <- c('X','Y')
erica.grid <- rbind(erica.grid, y)
erica.grid$X_Y <- paste(erica.grid$X, erica.grid$Y, sep = '_')
erica.grid<- unique(erica.grid)
A first approach would be mapping the number of taxa existing in each pixel.
# Grid to taxon richness raster
rich.rast <- erica.grid
rich.rast <- cast(melt(rich.rast[,c('taxon', 'X', 'Y')], id = c('X', 'Y')), fun.aggregate = length)
rich.rast <-
coordinates(rich.rast) <- ~X+Y
gridded(rich.rast) <- T
plot(rich.rast, col = 'red')
# from SPDF to DF, retaining ID and trename columns
df <-, xy=T)
ID.df<-cbind(df, xyFromCell(r,cellFromXY(r,df[c("x","y")][c(1:nrow(df)),])))
ID.df$xy <- NULL
ID.df$X <- NULL
colnames(ID.df) <- c('taxon', 'ID', 'x', 'y','trenames', 'X', 'Y')
ID.df$X_Y <- paste(ID.df$X, ID.df$Y, sep = '_')
ID.df$x <- NULL
ID.df$y <- NULL
# write.csv(ID.df, file = './Erica/Erica-ID-grid.csv')
# ID.df<-read.csv(file = './Erica/Erica-ID-grid.csv')
# Load worldmap
worldmap <- ne_countries(scale = 'large', returnclass = 'sf')
worldmap <- worldmap %>% filter(admin!= 'Antarctica')
cropmap <- worldmap$geometry
cropmap<-st_crop(cropmap, st_bbox(rich.rast))
# colour scheme
cols <- brewer.pal(10, 'RdYlBu')
pal <- colorRampPalette(cols)
# Richness raster
erica.grid2 <- unique(ID.df[,c('taxon','X','Y','X_Y')])
rich.rast <- erica.grid2
rich.rast <- cast(melt(rich.rast[,c('taxon', 'X', 'Y')], id = c('X', 'Y')), fun.aggregate = length)
rich.rast <-
coordinates(rich.rast) <- ~X+Y
gridded(rich.rast) <- T
# Raster to polygon
ep <- rasterToPolygons(rich.rast) # ep erica polygon
ep <- st_as_sf(ep)
ep$log <- log(ep$taxon)
# add log sequence
pos<-seq(min(ep$log), max(ep$log), length.out = 10)
lab.2 <- exp(pos)
lab.3 <- seq(1, max(ep$taxon), length.out= 11)
customplot(cropmap, ep2, "Taxon richness", col="log")
And zoom into South Africa… In this case examining the richness (not converted to logarithmic scale).
# cropped version
st_crs(ep) <- st_crs(cropmap)
ep2 <- st_intersection(ep, cropmap)
vals <- as.character(cut(ep2$log, breaks = 10, labels = rev(pal(10))))
pos<-seq(min(ep2$log), max(ep2$log), length.out = 10)
lab.2 <- exp(pos)
lab.3 <- seq(1,max(ep$taxon), length.out= 11)<-st_crop(cropmap, st_bbox(c(xmin = 15, ymin = -35,
xmax = 34, ymax = -21))) <- st_intersection(ep2,
customplot(,, "Taxon richness", col="taxon")
In this second step, we will subset the latter step, but including only EDGE species. This means considering only species which are threatened AND consistently evolutionarily distinct (their ED is over the median in at least 95% of the trees).
Median EDGE values have been already calculated for 100 trees and species subsetted in the following file.
edge <- read.csv(file = 'files/Erica_EDGE_spp.csv')
# Erica EDGE species grid
edge.grid <- erica.grid2[which(erica.grid2$taxon%in%edge$Species),] #135 grid cells
# Grid to taxon richness raster
rs <- edge.grid
rs <- cast(melt(rs[,c('taxon', 'X', 'Y')], id = c('X', 'Y')), fun.aggregate = length)
rs <-
coordinates(rs) <- ~X+Y
gridded(rs) <- T
# Raster to polygon
ep3 <- rasterToPolygons(rs)
ep3 <- st_as_sf(ep3)
cols <- brewer.pal(10, 'RdYlBu')
pal <- colorRampPalette(cols)
st_crs(ep3) <- st_crs(cropmap)
ep3 <- st_intersection(ep3, cropmap)
vals <- as.character(cut(ep3$taxon, breaks = 7, labels = rev(pal(7))))
customplot(cropmap, ep3, name="EDGE species richness", col="taxon")
Phylogenetic diversity is another measure of how diverse a place is, not considering taxa as individual entities, but comparing the amount of evolutionary history shared between the species thriving there. Thus, a site with a large number of closely related taxa would have high richness but low phylogenetic diversity (PD), whilst a place with few, very disparate lineages would be taxonomically poor but phylogeneticaly diverse.
For this step, we will use the 100 expanded trees, to calculate for each pixel the summed length of branches including all their taxa.
trees <- read.tree(file = 'files/Erica_trees2.tre') # trees after imputation
PD.grid <- data.frame('X_Y'=unique(erica.grid2$X_Y),'' = NA)
#this double loop takes a while!
for(i in 1:length(unique(erica.grid2$X_Y))){
progressbar(i, length(unique(erica.grid2$X_Y)))
xy <- unique(erica.grid2$X_Y)[i]
spp <- unique(erica.grid2$taxon[which(erica.grid2$X_Y==xy)])
spp <- unique(erica$trnames[which(erica$taxon%in%spp)])
pd <- c()
for(j in 1:100){
x <- sum(keep.tip(trees[[j]], spp)$edge.length)
pd <- c(pd, x)
PD.grid$[which(PD.grid$X_Y==xy)] <- median(pd)
pdx <- unique(merge(PD.grid, erica.grid2[,c('X', 'Y', 'X_Y')], by = 'X_Y'))
pdx$X_Y <- NULL
coordinates(pdx) <- ~X+Y
gridded(pdx) <- T
ep4 <- rasterToPolygons(pdx)
ep4 <- st_as_sf(ep4)
cols <- brewer.pal(10, 'RdYlBu')
pal <- colorRampPalette(cols)
st_crs(ep4) <- st_crs(cropmap)
ep4 <- st_intersection(ep4, cropmap)
customplot(cropmap, ep4, "Phylogenetic Diversity", col = "")
See how in our case, despite the Cape region being by far the richest, it is not the most phylogenetically diverse, as its taxa are closely related.
Lastly, we will can use EDGE to evaluate the amount of threatened evolutionary history. To do so, we sum the expected PD loss in each tree and cell. These values of expected PD loss within trees have also been calculated for 100 trees (using the function we saw in step 2).
epdtree <- read.tree(file = 'files/erica_tree_epd2.tre') # epdloss trees after imputation
ePD.grid <- data.frame('X_Y'=unique(erica.grid2$X_Y),'' = NA)
#this also takes a while...
for(i in 1:length(unique(erica.grid2$X_Y))){
progressbar(i, length(unique(erica.grid2$X_Y)))
xy <- unique(erica.grid2$X_Y)[i]
spp <- unique(erica.grid2$taxon[which(erica.grid2$X_Y==xy)])
spp <- unique(erica$trnames[which(erica$taxon%in%spp)])
pd <- c()
for(j in 1:100){
x <- sum(keep.tip(epdtree[[j]], spp)$edge.length)
pd <- c(pd, x)
ePD.grid$[which(ePD.grid$X_Y==xy)] <- median(pd)
# Grid to taxon richness raster
pdx2 <- unique(merge(ePD.grid, erica.grid2[,c('X', 'Y', 'X_Y')], by = 'X_Y'))
pdx2$X_Y <- NULL
coordinates(pdx2) <- ~X+Y
gridded(pdx2) <- T
# Raster to polygon
ep5 <- rasterToPolygons(pdx2)
ep5 <- st_as_sf(ep5)
st_crs(ep5) <- st_crs(cropmap)
ep5 <- st_intersection(ep5, cropmap)
customplot(cropmap, ep5, "Expected PD loss", col= "" )
In this case, we also see that, although not being the richest area, Europe (mainly Iberia) includes the highest values of expected PD loss (~higher EDGE values), and thus, it includes species of higher interest. Let’s make a zoom.
#crop to bounds
cropmap.ib<-st_crop(cropmap, st_bbox(c(xmin = -10, ymin = 30,
xmax = 10, ymax = 50)))
ep5.ib <- st_intersection(ep5, cropmap.ib)
customplot(cropmap.ib, ep5.ib, "Expected PD loss", col= "" )