The code in this repo is a clone from and adapted to evaluate more models on the EPIC-KITCHENS-100 dataset.
Work in progress!
You can currently run different types of inference with the following pre-trained models:
- SlowFast
- Omnivore
Inference can be run on these datasets
- EPIC-KITCHENS 100 (validation set)
The types of inference supported are:
- Original SlowFast inference
- Original Omnivore inference
- Sliding fixed-size window:
- strictly inside action boundaries
- inside and around action boundaries
- sliding over full videos
- Please install all the requirements found in the original SlowFast repo (link)
- Add this repository to $PYTHONPATH.
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/epic-kitchens-slowfast/slowfast:$PYTHONPATH
- From the annotation repository of EPIC-KITCHENS-100 (link), download: EPIC_100_train.pkl, EPIC_100_validation.pkl, and EPIC_100_test_timestamps.pkl. EPIC_100_train.pkl and EPIC_100_validation.pkl will be used for training/validation, while EPIC_100_test_timestamps.pkl will be used to obtain the scores to submit in the AR challenge.
- Download only the RGB frames of EPIC-KITCHENS-100 dataset using the download scripts found here. The training/validation code expects the following folder structure for the dataset:
├── dataset_root
| ├── P01
| | ├── rgb_frames
| | | | ├── P01_01
| | | | | ├── frame_0000000000.jpg
| | | | | ├── frame_0000000001.jpg
| | | | | ├── .
| | | | | ├── .
| | | | | ├── .
| | | | .
| | | | .
| | | | .
| ├── .
| ├── .
| ├── .
| ├── P37
| | ├── rgb_frames
| | | | ├── P37_101
| | | | | ├── frame_0000000000.jpg
| | | | | ├── frame_0000000001.jpg
| | | | | ├── .
| | | | | ├── .
| | | | | ├── .
| | | | .
| | | | .
| | | | .
So, after downloading the dataset navigate under <participant_id>/rgb_frames for each participant and untar each video's frames in its corresponding folder, e.g for P01_01.tar you should create a folder P01_01 and extract the contents of the tar file inside.
To obtain scores on the validation set (using the model trained on the concatenation of the training and validation sets) run:
python tools/ --cfg configs/EPIC-KITCHENS/<configi*file*name>.yaml
The code is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, found here.