Simple ORM to handle basic CRUD tasks. Future plans are to expand the query generation to make needing to write SQL less common
To start you want to create your objects that will define your schema
Customer = object
id {.primary, autoIncrement.}: int64
email: string
firstName, lastName: string
Order = object
id {.primary, autoIncrement.}: int64
name: string
customer {.references:}: int64
# Open connection to database, make sure to close connection when finished
let db = newConn(":memory:")
# Create the tables
db.create(Customer, Order)
Now you can start inserting data
var john = Customer(
email: "[email protected]",
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe"
) = db.insertID(john)
var tableOrder = Order(
name: "Table",
) = db.insertID(tableOrder)
Reading is done via the find()
# Look through every order
for order in db.find(seq[Order]):
echo order
# Find first one that matches a query.
# Tables are named same as the object
echo db.find(Order, sql"SELECT * FROM Order WHERE customer = ?",
# Option[T] can also be used if the query mighn't return anything
import std/options
assert db.find(Option[Order], sql"SELECT * FROM Order WHERE customer = 99999").isNone
Currently there is some support for automatically loading objects through references (This will be expanded on in future)
# We want to load the object that is referenced by tableOrder in the customer field
let customer = db.load(tableOrder, customer)
assert customer is Customer
Updating is currently only support via upsert()
which either inserts an object or updates any row that it collides with = "Better table"
assert db.find(Order, sql"SELECT * FROM Order WHERE id = ?", == "Better table"
Deleting is done by simply calling delete with an object
assert db.exists(tableOrder)
assert not db.exists(tableOrder)