- 🔭 I’m currently working on Web development (front-end) e.g html, js, css, etc and some of it's framework and libraries e.g react, bootstrap etc and i'm also working on web and app design. - 🌱 I’m learning and practicing Web development (back-end) focusing on data assessment and management.
🔍 I've keen interest in combining geography with full stack development, focusing on Geospatial Applications such as ArcGIS, QGIS, Leaftlet.js also in smart cities, remote sensing, scalable applications, real-time applications, API's and data management. - 📫 Feel free to reach me out via my email [email protected] or any of my socials link below - My never giving up mindset and room to grow and develop in different fields should be a fun fact about me. ⚡ PS - My website will be hosted by March ending 🚀
Favourite languages and Tools::