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Irfan edited this page Mar 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the SecureSignedMailService wiki!

The objective of this project is to show how we go about developing a secure system which protects its data and users.

We shall use C++, CMake, GTest and openssl to do this.


  1. User.h static bool createUser(std::string& name, std::string &password); // Create a user with the specified name bool deleteUser(); static bool login(std::string &name, std::string &password); bool logout();

  2. Cli.h // provides a user interface using commandline with following commands

    • help- shows how to use this application
    • verify-app - verfies the signature of the app
    • signup
    • login

    below options are available when logged in

    • logout
    • delete-account
    • show-users - list all users of app
    • send-msg - send a secure message to specified user
    • read-inbox - read all incoming messages.
    • show-sent-msgs - show all messages that were sent.


gandalf $ ./ssms
Welcome to secure signed mail service. Type help to get started
> help
verify-app - Verify the digital signature of the app
signup     - create a new user
> signup frodo
Enter password: 
Confirm password:
frodo signed up for ssms!
> login frodo
Enter password: 
Invalid username or password
Enter password:
frodo> send-msg gollum "We need to destroy the ring."
User gollum not found.
frodo> logout
> signup gollum