script-runner is a vim plugin that lets you easily and quickly run a perl, python, ruby, bash, etc. script. Just hit F5 and it runs your script and outputs the results in a split window at the bottom. Note that you don't even have to save your script first. You can just open a scratch buffer, type some code and hit F5.
If you have the pathogen plugin installed, you can just clone this project inside your ~/.vim/bundle folder
cp plugin/script-runner.vim ~/.vim/plugin
normal mode: F5
command mode: :sx
If you want to change the default key mapping of F5, add this to your .vimrc:
let g:script_runner_key = '<F6>'
You can run a custom command based on the type of script you are working on. For example, if you want the Data::Dump module available each time you run a perl script, add this to your .vimrc:
let g:script_runner_perl = 'perl -MData::Dump'
To run a specific version of ruby:
let g:script_runner_ruby = '/usr/local/bin/ruby1.9'
Currently, script-runner will format xml and json file types. You must have xmllint and JSON::PP installed. On a debian based system, you can install those via:
sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils
sudo cpan JSON::PP
For json support, you may need to add the following to your .vimrc.
autocmd BufEnter *.json set ft=json
- Magnus Woldrich trapd00r
- Naveed Massjouni ironcamel (author)
- William Wolf throughnothing