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Android step indicator

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Dynamic step indicator library for Android. Fully customisable and compatible with ViewPager2.


Gradle is the only supported build configuration, so just add the dependency to your project build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation 'nl.isaac:android-step-indicator:$version'

This library supports only projects that have been migrated to androidx. For more information, read Google's migration guide.


Place the step indicator in your XML view.

    app:numberOfSteps="4" />

Add or change properties and styling in your Activity or Fragment

private fun setupStepIndicator() {
    val stepIndicator: StepIndicator = findViewById(
    stepIndicator.apply {
        showLabels = true
        labels = listOf("Label 1", "Label 2", "Label 3", "Label 4")
        fillNextStep = false
        fillPreviousStep = true


Name Type Description Default
stepRadius float size of step 42f
activeStepRadius float size of active step stepRadius * 1.25
stepWidth float stroke of step 8f
stepDistance float distance between steps 175f
numberOfSteps int total number of steps in view 4
activeStepPosition int current active step 0
showLabels boolean show labels below step false
labels list Label for each step {}
stepType StepType.Numbers, StepType.None, StepType.text<list>, StepType.Icon<List>, stepType.MixedList<Pair<StepIndicatorTypeMixedOption, Any>> Type of step StepType.Numbers


Name Type Default
activeStepColor color primaryColor
previousStepColor color primaryColor
nextStepColor color Color.LTGRAY
activeStepIndicatorTypeColor color primaryColor
previousStepIndicatorTypeColor color primaryColor
nextStepIndicatorTypeColor color Color.LTGRAY
activeStepLabelColor color primaryColor
previousStepLabelColor color primaryColor
nextStepLabelColor color Color.LTGRAY
fillActiveStep boolean false
fillPreviousStep boolean false
fillNextStep boolean true


There are multiple ways you can help improve this package: Reporting bug, suggesting features, and contributing code implementing said features and bug requests.

More information can be found in CONTRIBUTING.


MIT © ISAAC Software Solutions BV